
Example files for JSON Grapher

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Example files for JSON Grapher (www.jsongrapher.com)

ExampleDataRecords includes example JSON Records of data that can be plotted in JSONGrapher, sorted by subdirectories. The file 0_PlotlyTemplate.json provides a basic example.

ExampleModelRecords includes example JSON records which only have model inputs that can be used to simulate data which will then be plotted by JSONGrapher

ExampleSimulators includes a javascript model that can be called from JSONGrapher to execute a simple simulation. More examples may be added in the future.

The zipfiles are simply zips of the individual directories and are made so that new users can download them directly using links from the JSONGrapher Manual. The example files must be unzipped before use with www.jsongrapher.com JsonGrapher does not work if the input is still in a zip file.

The github repository for JSONGrapherExamples, with the most recent files, can be found at: https://github.com/AdityaSavara/JSONGrapherExamples