The market place before bid

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The market place after bid

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My Products Page

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  • Ruby version --> ruby 2.6.1p33

  • Rails version --> Rails

  • INSTALLATION These steps are for Linux Operating System(Preferably Ubuntu).

    #Install MySQL and setup using these commands, make sure the password you select is easy to remember sudo apt install mysql-server sudo mysql_secure_installation #Note: After this setup you should be able to run MySQL using this command, if not then try some of these issue links mysql -u root -p (In case you get wrong password, do sudo su, then mysql create new user with password and use that)

    #Installing RubyOnRails using rvm (ruby version manager)

    #First, install curl and gnupg sudo apt install curl sudo apt install gnupg2

    #Now, run these commands to install rvm curl -sSL | gpg2 --import -
    curl -sSL | bash -s stable

    Important : For RVM to work properly, you have to check the 'Run command as login shell' checkbox on the Title and Command tab of the terminal's Edit ▸ Profile Preferences menu dialog, in case the menu is missing right-click the terminal app and navigate Profiles ▸ Profile Preferences.

    #Now run these to install rails 5.2.2 with ruby 2.6.1 rvm install 2.6.1 rvm use 2.6.1 --default gem install bundler gem install rails -v 5.2.2 #Install mysql gem and the libmysql-dev library sudo apt install libmysqld-dev gem install mysql2 Note: For some of the js gems sudo apt install nodejs

  • Deployment instructions :
    • Clone the project from GIT .Complete steps to run your project,
    • Change into the directory of the project.
    • Now navigate to /demo/config/database.yml and edit the MySQL username and password.
    • Then run bundle install
    • Then create and initialize DB rake db:create rake db:migrate
    • Then to run the server on localhost rails s
    • Now open a browser and goto http://localhost:3000/

  • Implemented Features:

  • Disadvantages/Bugs:

    • Deadline has to be entered in UTC(+0:00).
    • Once the deadline of a product is up, the owner can't see his product until the guy who bought it claims it.

  • Navigating the Website:

    • Market:

      • This is the place where you can bid for products other put up for auction.
    • Note : But you can't see your own products that are up for auction.

    MY Stuff It has 4 tabs

      My Auction Items
      This is where all the items you have put up for auction are displayed.
      My Bids
      This is where all the items in which you are highest bidder are displayed.
      My Claimed Items
      This is where all the items that you have claimed are displayed.
      My Sold Products
      This is where all the items that you have sold are displayed.
    • SELL

      • This the form to put up products for auction.
    • Other Sold Products

      • This is where sold products are displayed