- Input: input.txt
- Output: output.txt
Input Format:
Each line of consists of description of Tree in level order fashion with N meaning NULL.
For eg: 1 2 N 3 4
1 / \ 2 N / \ 3 4
Output Format:
Each line consiss of final colored trees wih 'R','G' and 'B' for (Red,Green and Blue colors) in a preoder fashion
For eg: B R B R
B / \ R N / \ B R
- Did bounary traversal of each node starting from left boundary followd by leaves of left and right child respectively and finally right boundary one by one.
- Took a color Variable and pass it as refrence after every coloring updated its value altrantively to Red and Blue based on previous value.
- Finally performed preorder of resulting tree and store it as string.
- By Default every node is marked as 'G' (GREEN)
Time and Space Complexity:
Time Complexity
- O(length of input) for the conversion of level order traversal of Tree
- O(N) N=no of nodes in binary tree, boundary traversal of Tree
- O(N) N=no of nodes in binary tree, preorder traversal of Tree
- Total: O(2*N)+O(length of input)
Space Complexity
- O(length of input) queue for storing level order traversal of Tree
- O(height of tree) stack space for boundry traversal of Tree
- O(height of tree) stack space for preorder traversal of Tree
- Total: O(2*height of tree)+O(length of input)