
Simple implementation of NodeJs for City management using MongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm, mongoDB Cluster.


For installing node Setup go to the folders using terminal: then type:

npm init

npm install

For installing express Setup:

npm install express

For loding all the data in the Database for 1 time user

node data_loader.js

After that you can use this code.. and Start the server by typing: npm start or node test.js


Open the brower and check the local host: http://localhost:8001/index.html

To check the sever is live or not: http://localhost:8001/checkLive

For login

Use this Api: http://localhost:8001/login

Along with JSON





For weatherdata to display in fronend:

Use this Api: http://localhost:8001/weatherdata

For prediction of rainfall and temp:

Use this Api: http://localhost:8001/predictdata

For getting the hisotry of weather data:

Use this Api: http://localhost:8001/historicalweather

For uploading the weather history manually:

Use this Api: http://localhost:8001/uploadweather

For getting the upcoming week weather data:

Use this Api: http://localhost:8001/weeklydata

For sending the pervious weather data to flask:

Use this Api: http://localhost:8001/flaskdata

For sending the Bike data to front end:

Use this Api: http://localhost:8001/bikedata

For sending the traffic data to front end:

Use this Api: http://localhost:8001/trafficdata

For sending the pollution data to front end:

Use this Api: http://localhost:8001/pollutiondata

For view all the Event ID to front end:

Use this Api: http://localhost:8001/eventid

For delete the one Event Id from the DB:

Use this Api: http://localhost:8001/deleventid?id=139973682051

For add the one Event Id to the DB:

Use this Api: http://localhost:8001/addeventid?id=139973682051


For Heroku:


For Git:


For conneting Remote MongoDB Compass:

