
Erela.js (Multi Instances) & Discord.JS@v14 (Prefix Commands!)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

📑 Feature

  • Music Systems
  • Custom Filters
  • Multi Instances Support
  • Easy to use

🎶 Support Source

  • Youtube
  • SoundCloud
  • Spotify
  • Deezer
  • Facebook
  • Twitch
  • Apple
  • Bandcamp
  • Vimeo
  • Https (Radio)
📎 Requirements [CLICK ME]

📎 Requirements

🛑 Super Requirements

📚 Installation

git clone https://github.com/Adivise/RealitySpace
cd RealitySpace
npm install
📄 Configuration [CLICK ME]

📄 Configuration

Copy or Rename config.js.example to config.js and fill out the values:

module.exports = {
    TOKEN: [ /// You can add token bot (unlimited) if you want!
    PREFIX: [ /// Prefix bot need same count with token
    EMBED_COLOR: "#000001", //<= default is "#000001"
    OWNER_ID: "515490955801919488", //your owner discord id example: "515490955801919488"
    DEV_ID: [], // if you want to use bot only as you, you can put your id here example: ["123456789", "123456789"]
    LEAVE_EMPTY: 120000, // 2 minutes
    DEFAULT_SEARCH: "ytsearch", // default search engine & "ytmsearch" / "ytsearch" / "scsearch" / "spsearch"
    NODES: [ /// Requirement 1 Nodes for this project!
        identifier: "NanoSpace",
        host: "localhost",
        port: 5555,
        password: "123456",
        retryAmount: 10,
        retryDelay: 7500,
        secure: false

After installation or finishes all you can use node . to start the bot. or Run Start.bat

🔩 Features & Commands [CLICK ME]

🔩 Features & Commands

Note: The default prefix is '#'

🎶 Music Commands!

  • Play (#play, #p, #pplay [song/url])
  • Nowplaying (#nowplaying, #np, #now)
  • Queue (#queue )
  • Repeat (#loop (current, all), #repeat (current, all))
  • Loopqueue (#loopall, #lq, repeatall)
  • Shuffle (#shuffle, mix)
  • Volume control (#vol, #v [10 - 100])
  • Pause (#pause, #pa)
  • Resume (#resume, #r)
  • Skip (#skip, #s)
  • Skipto (#skipto, #st [position])
  • Clear (#clear)
  • Join (#join, #summon)
  • Leave (#leave, #dc, #lev, #stop)
  • Forward (#forward )
  • Seek (#seek )
  • Rewind (#rewind )
  • Replay (#replay)
  • Search (#search [songname])
  • 247 (#247)
  • Previous (#previous)
  • Autoplay (#autoplay)
  • Move (#move [song] [position])
  • Remove (#remove [song])
  • PlaySkip (#playskip [song/url])
  • SearchSkip (#searchskip [songname])
  • PlayTop (#playtop [song/url])
  • SearchTop (#searchtop [songname])

Filter Commands!

  • Bass (#bass)
  • Superbass (#superbass, #sb)
  • Pop (#pop)
  • Treblebass (#treblebass, #tb)
  • Soft (#soft)
  • Earrape (#earrape, #ear)
  • Equalizer (#eq )
  • Speed (#speed )
  • Picth (#pitch )
  • Vaporwave (#vaporwave)
  • Nightcore (#nightcore)
  • Bassboost (#bassboost, #bb [-10 - 10])
  • Rate (#rate)
  • Reset (#reset)
  • 3d (#3d)
  • China (#china)
  • Dance (#dance)
  • Chipmunk (#chipmunk)
  • Darthvader (#darthvader)
  • DoubleTime (#doubletime)
  • SlowMotion (#slowmotion)
  • Tremolo (#tremolo)
  • Vibrate (#vibrate)
  • Vibrato (#vibrato)
  • Daycore (#daycore)
  • Television (#Television)
  • Jazz (#jazz)

📑 Misc Commands!

  • Help (#help, #halp [command])
  • Vps (#vps)
  • LavaLink (#lavalink)

🤖 Dev Commands!

  • Whitelist (#whitelist [add/remove] )
  • LeaveGuilds (#leaveguild)
  • GuildLists (#guildlist)