
mobx wrapper that only initializes listeners on demand

Primary LanguageTypeScript


npm, github

Initialize large mobx objects on read, instead of on creation. For extremely large objects, this defers the performance cost of wrapping objects in mobx containers until they are actually needed.


yarn add mobx-init-on-demand

import { observableOnDemand } from 'mobx-init-on-demand';

const myObservable = observableOnDemand({
    ... // your large object here

// use the observable as normal
autorun(() => {


yarn # install dependencies
yarn build # build.             Can also use `rollup -c`
yarn watch # build with watch.  Can also use `rollup -cw`
yarn test # run all tests
yarn jest # run local tests
yarn test:integration # run open-source repo tests

run an integration test against an open-source repo. see ./integration-test for more details.

REPO="https://github.com/microsoft/satcheljs.git" ./integration-test/scripts/run-mobx-test.sh yarn jest

# or for testing failing tests

REPO="https://github.com/microsoft/satcheljs.git" ./integration-test/scripts/run-mobx-test.sh yarn jest --watch