
Wireframe model Rescaling Issue [Fixed]

Closed this issue · 3 comments

v0.8 : When the calibration of the fingers is complete, the Wireframe model does not rescale properly.

Caused by the Calibration calculations running in a separate thread inside the DLL: The OnCalibrationFinished event (SDK) is called after the third position is measured, but before the new finger lengths are assigned (DLL).

Quick Fix by raising the OnCalibrationFinished event some 200ms after measuring the third point. This should give the DLL more than enough time to calculate the new finger lengths.

Looking into raising the OnCalibrationFinished event from within the working thread of the DLL instead.

Fixed in version 0.9 and onward:
The working thread inside the DLL now calls its own FingerCalibrationFinished event, which is useful for non-unity applications as well.

When this event fires, the SenseGlove_Object retrieves the latest GloveData and fires its own CalibrationFinished event.