
SenseGlove Nova - setting HandProfile

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I am raising this issue because I want to know the structure of the profile, where in provided documents, there was no relevant information about that. However, i would be grateful if you give some insights about how to configure for example the finger feedback by the script

Hi there,

The HandProfile is a class that is internal to the SGCore library. I contains information on how to map the raw sensor values of the Nova into a set of joint angles though linear interpolation. This profile is automatically generated by SenseCom and the SenseGlove Unity Calibration scripts, and stored on the disk in MyDocuments/SenseGlove. Since this class is mostly used inside the SGCore library, you will only find sparse documentation in the html files of the native SenseGlove C# APIs.

While it may be tempting to edit this profile, we do not recommend doing so: It requires a full understanding of the inner workings of our library and kinematics, and is scheduled for a major overhaul soon. For what purpose would you be editing it, if I may ask?

Regarding "how to configure the finger feedback by the script" - we need a lot more information on what you are trying to achieve: Which script are you referring to, and what type of feedback? We do have a documentation website with learning exercises available to teach you how our Force-Feedback system works.