openRTB v2.5(display, video)

This document is openRTB(complies with the OpenRTB 2.5 specificatoin) integration specification for DSP that wish to buy Admaru LLC’s inventories.

Kindly check OpenRTB 2.5 specification via below link.

Bid Request

Object model

Object Support
BidRequest O
Source O
Regs O
Imp O
Metric X
Banner O
Video O
Native X
Format O
Deal X
Site O
App X
Publisher O
Content O
Producer X
Device O
Geo X
User O
Data X
Segment X
Native Markup X

Request sample




{ "id": "1234567893", 
  "at": 2, 
  "tmax": 120, 
  "imp": [ { "id": "1", "bidfloor": 0.03, "video": { "w": 640, "h": 480, "pos": 1, "startdelay": 0, "minduration": 5, "maxduration": 30,"maxextended": 30, "minbitrate": 300, "maxbitrate": 1500, "api": [ 1, 2 ], "protocols": [ 2, 3 ], "mimes": [ "video/x-flv", "video/mp4", "application/x-shockwave-flash", "application/javascript" ], "linearity": 1, "boxingallowed": 1, "playbackmethod": [ 1, 3 ], "delivery": [ 2 ], "battr": [ 13, 14 ], "companionad": [ { "id": "1234567893-1", "w": 300, "h": 250, "pos": 1, "battr": [ 13, 14 ], "expdir": [ 2, 4 ] }, { "id": "1234567893-2", "w": 728, "h": 90, "pos": 1, "battr": [ 13, 14 ] } ], "companiontype": [ 1, 2 ] } } ], 
  "site": { "id": "1345135123", "name": "Site ABCD", "domain": "", "cat": [ "IAB2-1", "IAB2-2" ], "page": "", "ref": "", "privacypolicy": 1, 
  "publisher": { "id": "pub12345", "name": "Publisher A" }, 
  "content": { "id": "1234567", "series": "All About Cars", "season": "2", "episode": 23, "title": "Car Show", "cat": [ "IAB2-2" ], "keywords": "keyword-a,keyword-b,keyword-c" } }, 
  "device": { "ip": "", "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110319 Firefox/3.6.16","os": "OS X", "flashver": "10.1", "js": 1 }, 
  "user": { "id": "456789876567897654678987656789", "buyeruid": "545678765467876567898765678987654", "data": [ { "id": "6", "name": "Data Provider 1", "segment": [ { "id": "12341318394918", "name": "auto intenders" }, { "id": "1234131839491234", "name": "auto enthusiasts" } ] } ] 