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Personal Site Deployment - Coded By:


  • UBUNTU 16.04 & 17.04 ** Only !!! PlexGuide is not MADE FOR SERVER EDITONS 16.10 - 17.10
  • This requires the PlexGuide Install First


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  • Bitcoin : 1H3SD3ef6qaN8ND8S8ZQCaEyD4pMW4kFsA
  • LiteCoin: LbCDaq26N39TuUarBkrxTXNFjsNWds9Ktj

  1. Ensure that you installed PlexGuide as Noted Above - This relies on certain programs
sudo git clone /opt/deploysite
  1. Place this in the terminal to place your variables for you own wordpress website
sudo ansible-playbook /opt/deploysite/config.yml
  1. Then to execute your wordpress, put the following in:
sudo ansible-playbook /opt/deploysite/wordpress.yml