
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Plex Autoscan

made-with-python License: GPL v3 Discord Feature Requests


Plex Autoscan is a python script that assists in the importing of Sonarr, Radarr, and Lidarr dowloads into Plex Media Server.

It does this by creating a webserver to accept webhook requests from these apps, and in turn, sends a scan request to Plex. Plex will then only scan the parent folder (i.e. season folder for TV shows, movie folder for movies, and album folders for music) of the media file (versus scanning the entire library folder).

In addition to the above, Plex Autoscan can also monitor Google Drive for updates. When a new file is detected, it is checked against the Plex database and if this file is missing, a new scan request is sent to Plex (see section below).

Plex Autoscan is installed on the same server as the Plex Media Server.


  1. Ubuntu/Debian

  2. Python 2.7 or higher (sudo apt install python python-pip).

  3. requirements.txt modules (see below).


  1. cd /opt

  2. sudo git clone https://github.com/l3uddz/plex_autoscan

  3. sudo chown -R user:group plex_autoscan - Run id to find your user / group.

  4. cd plex_autoscan

  5. sudo python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

  6. python scan.py - Run once to generate a default config.json file.

  7. /opt/plex_autoscan/config/config.json - Configure settings (do this before moving on).

  8. sudo cp /opt/plex_autoscan/system/plex_autoscan.service /etc/systemd/system/

  9. sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  10. sudo systemctl enable plex_autoscan.service

  11. sudo systemctl start plex_autoscan.service


Note: Changes to config file require a restart of the Plex Autoscan service: sudo systemctl restart plex_autoscan.service.


  "DOCKER_NAME": "plex",
  "GDRIVE": {
    "CLIENT_ID": "",
    "CLIENT_SECRET": "",
    "ENABLED": false,
    "POLL_INTERVAL": 60,
  "PLEX_ANALYZE_TYPE": "basic",
  "PLEX_DATABASE_PATH": "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db",
  "PLEX_EMPTY_TRASH": false,
  "PLEX_LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver",
  "PLEX_LOCAL_URL": "http://localhost:32400",
  "PLEX_SCANNER": "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex\\ Media\\ Scanner",
    "1": [
    "2": [
  "PLEX_SUPPORT_DIR": "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\\ Support",
  "PLEX_TOKEN": "",
  "PLEX_USER": "plex",
    "ENABLED": false,
    "MOUNT_FOLDER": "/mnt/rclone",
    "RC_URL": "http://localhost:5572"
      "/mnt/unionfs/media": [
  "SERVER_IP": "",
  "SERVER_PASS": "9c4b81fe234e4d6eb9011cefe514d915",
      "/mnt/unionfs": [
  "SERVER_PORT": 3468,
    "1": [
    "2": [
  "USE_DOCKER": false,
  "USE_SUDO": false


"USE_SUDO": true

USE_SUDO - This option is typically used in conjunction with PLEX_USER (e.g. sudo -u plex).

  • If the user that runs your Plex Autoscan server is able to run the Plex Media Scanner CLI command without sudo, or is installed with the same user account (e.g. plex), you can you can set this to false.

  • The user that runs plex_autoscan needs to beable to sudo, without a password otherwise, it cannot execute the PLEX_SCANNER as plex. This can be disabled by config option USE_SUDO.

  • Default is true.


Docker only options.

Note: Docker examples used below are based on the image by plexinc/pms-docker, with /config/ in the container path mapped to /opt/plex/ on the host.

"USE_DOCKER": true,
"DOCKER_NAME": "plex",

USE_DOCKER - Set to true when Plex is in a Docker container. Default is false.

DOCKER_NAME - Name of the Plex docker container. Default is "plex".

Plex Media Server

Plex Media Server options.

Plex Basics

"PLEX_USER": "plex",

PLEX_USER - User account that Plex runs as.

  • Native: "plex"

  • Docker: "plex" (user account within the container).

PLEX_WAIT_FOR_EXTERNAL_SCANNERS - When set to true, wait for other Plex Media Scanner processes to finish, before launching a new one.

  • For hosts running a single Plex Docker instance, this can be left as true. For multiple Plex Docker instances on a host, set this as false.

PLEX_ANALYZE_TYPE - How Plex will analyze the media files that are scanned. Options are off, basic, deep. off will disable analyzing. Default is basic.

PLEX_ANALYZE_DIRECTORY - When set to true, Plex will analyze all the media files in the parent folder (e.g. movie folder, season folder) vs just the newly added file. Default is true.

Plex File Locations

Note: Verify the settings below by running the Plex Section IDs command (see below).

"PLEX_LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver",

"PLEX_SCANNER": "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex\\ Media\\ Scanner",

"PLEX_SUPPORT_DIR": "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\\ Support",

"PLEX_DATABASE_PATH": "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db",


  • Native: "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver"

  • Docker: "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver" (path within the container).

PLEX_SCANNER - Location of Plex Media Scanner binary.

  • Native: "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex\\ Media\\ Scanner"

  • Docker: "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex\\ Media\\ Scanner" (path within the container).

PLEX_SUPPORT_DIR - Location of Plex "Application Support" path.

  • Native: "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\\ Support"

  • Docker: "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application\\ Support" (path within the container).

PLEX_DATABASE_PATH - Location of Plex library database.

  • Native: "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db"

  • Docker: "/opt/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db" (path on the host)

Plex Section IDs

Running the following command, will return a list of Plex Library Names and their corresponding Section IDs (sorted by alphabetically Library Name):

python scan.py sections

This will be in the format of:


Sample output:

 2018-06-23 08:28:26,910 -     INFO -    CONFIG [140425529542400]: Using default setting --loglevel=INFO
 2018-06-23 08:28:26,910 -     INFO -    CONFIG [140425529542400]: Using default setting --cachefile=cache.db
 2018-06-23 08:28:26,910 -     INFO -    CONFIG [140425529542400]: Using default setting --tokenfile=token.json
 2018-06-23 08:28:26,910 -     INFO -    CONFIG [140425529542400]: Using default setting --queuefile=queue.db
 2018-06-23 08:28:26,910 -     INFO -    CONFIG [140425529542400]: Using default setting --logfile=plex_autoscan.log
 2018-06-23 08:28:26,910 -     INFO -    CONFIG [140425529542400]: Using default setting --config=config/config.json
 2018-06-23 08:28:27,069 -     INFO -  AUTOSCAN [140425529542400]:
        _                         _
  _ __ | | _____  __   __ _ _   _| |_ ___  ___  ___ __ _ _ __
 | '_ \| |/ _ \ \/ /  / _` | | | | __/ _ \/ __|/ __/ _` | '_ \
 | |_) | |  __/>  <  | (_| | |_| | || (_) \__ \ (_| (_| | | | |
 | .__/|_|\___/_/\_\  \__,_|\__,_|\__\___/|___/\___\__,_|_| |_|

# Author:   l3uddz                                                      #
# URL:      https://github.com/l3uddz/plex_autoscan                     #
# --                                                                    #
# Part of the Cloudbox project: https://cloudbox.rocks                  #
# GNU General Public License v3.0                                       #

 2018-06-23 08:28:27,070 -     INFO -      PLEX [140425529542400]: Using Plex Scanner
  1: Movies
  2: TV

Plex Section Mappings

This tells Plex what library sections to map the media paths to when the Plex Scanner command is ran.


  "SECTION ID #": [

For example, if a request is sent to scan a filepath with /Movies/ in it, then to map it to Section ID 1, and to map filepath /TV to Section ID 2.


  "1": [
  "2": [

If you have a complex library setup, you will need to specfiy the child paths as well:


  "1": [
  "2": [
  "3": [
  "4": [

Plex Emptying Trash

When media is upgraded by Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr, the previous files are then deleted. When Plex gets the scan request after the upgrade, the new media is added in to the library, but the previous media files would still be listed there but labeled as "unavailable".

To remedy this, a trash emptying command needs to be sent to Plex to get rid of these missing files from the library. The options below enable that to happen.

"PLEX_TOKEN": "abcdefghijkl",
"PLEX_LOCAL_URL": "http://localhost:32400",

PLEX_TOKEN - Plex Access Token.

PLEX_LOCAL_URL - Local URL of the Plex Media Server.

  • Native: "http://localhost:32400"

  • Docker: "http://localhost:32400" (open port)

PLEX_EMPTY_TRASH - When set to true, empty trash of a section after a scan.

PLEX_EMPTY_TRASH_CONTROL_FILES - Only empty trash when this file exists. Useful when media files, located elsewhere, is mounted on the Plex Server host. Can be left blank if not needed.

PLEX_EMPTY_TRASH_MAX_FILES - The maximum amount of missing files to remove from Plex at one emptying trash request. If there are more missing files than the number listed, the emptying trash request is aborted. This is particularly useful when externally mounted media temporarily dismounts and a ton of files go "missing" in Plex. Default is 100.

PLEX_EMPTY_TRASH_ZERO_DELETED - When set to true, will always empty the trash on the scanned section, even if there are 0 missing files. If false, trash will only be emptied when the database returns more than 0 deleted items. Default is false.

Plex Autoscan Server


"SERVER_IP": "",
"SERVER_PASS": "9c4b81fe234e4d6eb9011cefe514d915",
"SERVER_PORT": 3468,

SERVER_IP - Server IP that Plex Autoscan will listen on. Default is

  • - Allow remote access (e.g. Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr running on another server).

  • - Local access only.

SERVER_PORT - Port that Plex Autoscan will listen on.

SERVER_PASS - Plex Autoscan password. Used to authenticate requests from Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr. Default is a random 32 character string generated during config build.

SERVER_SCAN_DELAY - How long (in seconds) Plex Autoscan will wait before sending a scan request to Plex.

  • This is useful, for example, when you want Plex Autoscan to wait for more episodes of the same TV show to come in before scanning the season folder, resulting in less work for Plex to do by not scannin the same folder multiple times. This works especially well with SERVER_USE_SQLITE enabled.

Server - Path Mappings

List of paths that will be remapped before being scanned by Plex.

This is particularly useful when receiving scan requests, from a remote Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr installation, that has different paths for the media.



    "/path/on/local/host": [


    "/mnt/unionfs": [



    "/path/in/plex/container": [


  "/data/Movies/": [

If the filepath that was reported to Plex Autoscan by Radarr was /home/seed/media/fused/Movies/Die Hard/Die Hard.mkv then the path that would be scanned by Plex would be /mnt/unionfs/Movies/Die Hard/Die Hard.mkv.

Server File Checks

After a SERVER_SCAN_DELAY, Plex Autoscan will check to see if file exists before sending a scan request to Plex.


SERVER_MAX_FILE_CHECKS - The number specifies how many times this check will occur (with a minute delay in between), before giving up. If set to 0, this check will not occur, and will Plex Autoscan will simply send the scan request after the SERVER_SCAN_DELAY. Default is 10.

SERVER_SCAN_FOLDER_ON_FILE_EXISTS_EXHAUSTION - Plex Autoscan will scan the media folder when the file exist checks (as set above) are exhausted. Default is false.

Server File Exists - Path Mappings

List of paths that will be remapped before file exist checks are done.

This is particularly useful when using Docker, since the folder being scanned by the Plex container, may be different to the path on the host system running Plex Autoscan.


    "/actual/path/on/host": [


    "/mnt/unionfs/media": [

You can leave this empty if it is not required:


Scan Queue Database


Plex Autoscan can use an optionally use a database to store queue requests. The benefits to using this are 1) Queue will be restored on Plex Autoscan restart, and 2) Multiple requests to the same folder can be merged into a single folder scan.

This would look like:

Already processing '/data/TV/TV-Anime/Persona 5 the Animation/Season 1/Persona 5 the Animation - s01e01 - I am thou, thou art I.mkv' from same folder, aborting adding an extra scan request to the queue.
Scan request from Sonarr for '/data/TV/TV-Anime/Persona 5 the Animation/Season 1/Persona 5 the Animation - s01e01 - I am thou, thou art I.mkv', sleeping for 180 seconds...

The 180 seconds in the example above are from the SERVER_SCAN_DELAY, if any more requests come in during this time, the scan delay will reset to zero for another 180 seconds.


  "1": [
  "2": [

SERVER_ALLOW_MANUAL_SCAN - When enabled, allows GET requests to the webhook URL to allow manual scans on a specific filepath. Default is false.

  • All path mappings and section ID mappings, of the server, apply.

  • This is also a good way of testing your configuration, manually.

  • To send a manual scan, you can either:

    • Visit your webhook url in a browser (e.g. http://ipaddress:3468/0c1fa3c9867e48b1bb3aa055cb86), and fill in the path to scan.


    • Initiate a scan via curl:

      curl -d "eventType=Manual&filepath=/mnt/unionfs/Media/Movies/Shut In (2016)/Shut In (2016) - Bluray-1080p.x264.DTS-GECKOS.mkv" http://ipaddress:3468/0c1fa3c9867e48b1bb3aa055cb86`

SERVER_IGNORE_LIST - List of paths or filenames to ignore when a requests is sent to Plex Autoscan manually (see above). Case senstive.

  • For example, curl -d "eventType=Manual&filepath=/mnt/unionfs/Media/Movies/Thumbs.db" http://ipaddress:3468/0c1fa3c9867e48b1bb3aa055cb86 would be ignored if Thumbs.db was in the ignore list.

SERVER_SCAN_PRIORITIES - What paths are picked first when multiple scan requests are being processed.

  • This section is similar to PLEX_SECTION_PATH_MAPPINGS mentioned earlier.

  • Format:

      "PRIORITY LEVEL#": [

Google Drive Monitoring

As mentioned earlier, Plex Autoscan can monitor Google Drive for changes. It does this by utilizing a proactive cache (vs building a cache from start to end).

Once a change is detected, the file will be checked against the Plex database to make sure this is not already there. If match comes back negative, a scan request for the parent folder is added into the process queue. If that folder is in the process queue already, the duplicate request will be ignored.

Note 1: Google Drive Monitoring is not compatible with Teamdrive.

Note 2: Google Drive Monitoring is currently in beta status. If any issues occur, such as it stops checking for changes due to an error, please submit the logs via GitHub Issues. You can narrow searches down by looking for EXCEPTION.

  "CLIENT_ID": "",
  "ENABLED": false,

ENABLED - Enable or Disable Google Drive Monitoring. Requires one time authorization, see below.

CLIENT_ID - Google Drive API Client ID.

CLIENT_SECRET - Google Drive API Client Secret.

POLL_INTERVAL - How often to check for Google Drive changes (in seconds).

SCAN_EXTENSIONS - File files to be monitored via their file extensions.

To set this up:

  1. Edit config.json file, to enable the Google Drive monitoring and fill in your Google Drive API Client ID and Secret.

    "CLIENT_ID": "yourclientid",
    "CLIENT_SECRET": "yourclientsecret",
    "ENABLED": true,
  2. Next, you will need to authorize Google Drive.

    scan.py authorize
  3. Visit the link shown to get the authorization code and paste that in and hit enter.

    2018-06-24 05:50:14,945 -     INFO -    CONFIG [140446220769088]: Using default setting --loglevel=INFO
    2018-06-24 05:50:14,945 -     INFO -    CONFIG [140446220769088]: Using default setting --cachefile=/opt/plex_autoscan/cache.db
    2018-06-24 05:50:14,945 -     INFO -    CONFIG [140446220769088]: Using default setting --tokenfile=/opt/plex_autoscan/token.json
    2018-06-24 05:50:14,946 -     INFO -    CONFIG [140446220769088]: Using default setting --queuefile=/opt/plex_autoscan/queue.db
    2018-06-24 05:50:14,946 -     INFO -    CONFIG [140446220769088]: Using default setting --logfile=/opt/plex_autoscan/plex_autoscan.log
    2018-06-24 05:50:14,946 -     INFO -    CONFIG [140446220769088]: Using default setting --config=/opt/plex_autoscan/config/config.json
    2018-06-24 05:50:15,222 -     INFO -  AUTOSCAN [140446220769088]:
          _                         _
    _ __ | | _____  __   __ _ _   _| |_ ___  ___  ___ __ _ _ __
    | '_ \| |/ _ \ \/ /  / _` | | | | __/ _ \/ __|/ __/ _` | '_ \
    | |_) | |  __/>  <  | (_| | |_| | || (_) \__ \ (_| (_| | | | |
    | .__/|_|\___/_/\_\  \__,_|\__,_|\__\___/|___/\___\__,_|_| |_|
    # Author:   l3uddz                                                      #
    # URL:      https://github.com/l3uddz/plex_autoscan                     #
    # --                                                                    #
    # Part of the Cloudbox project: https://cloudbox.rocks                  #
    # GNU General Public License v3.0                                       #
    Visit https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth?scope=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fdrive&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&response_type=code&client_id=&access_type=offline and authorize against the account you wish to use
    Enter authorization code:
  4. When access token retrieval is successfull, you'll see this:

    2018-06-24 05:57:58,252 -     INFO -    GDRIVE [140007964366656]: Requesting access token for auth code '4/AAAfPHmX9H_kMkMasfdsdfE4r8ImXI_BddbLF-eoCOPsdfasdfHBBzffKto'
    2018-06-24 05:57:58,509 -     INFO -    GDRIVE [140007964366656]: Retrieved first access token!
    2018-06-24 05:57:58,511 -     INFO -  AUTOSCAN [140007964366656]: Access tokens were successfully retrieved!
  5. You will now need to add in your Google Drive paths into SERVER_PATH_MAPPINGS.

    For example, if you store your files under My Drive's Media folder, it would look like this:

      "/mnt/unionfs/Media/Movies/": [
        "My Drive/Media/Movies/"

    For Plex in a docker container, this would look like this:

      "/data/Movies/": [
        "My Drive/Media/Movies/"
  6. Google Drive Monitoring is now setup.

Rclone Remote Control

For users of Rclone cache mounts.

  "ENABLED": false,
  "MOUNT_FOLDER": "/mnt/rclone",
  "RC_URL": "http://localhost:5572"

When RCLONE_RC_CACHE_EXPIRE is enabled, if a file exist check fails, Plex Autoscan will keep sending an Rclone cache clear request for that files parent folder until the file check succeeds.

  • For example, /Media/Movies/Movie/Movie.mkv, sends clear for Movie folder. But if a file exist checks fails (because it's not cached yet), so clears Movies folder again, and so on, until a file check exists comes back positive or checks count reaches SERVER_MAX_FILE_CHECKS.

MOUNT_FOLDER - Path on the host where Rclone cache is mounted.

RC_URL - URL and Port Rclone RC is set to.


Setup instructions to connect Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr to Plex Autoscan.


  1. Sonarr -> "Settings" -> "Connect".

  2. Add a new "Webhook".

  3. Add the following:

    1. Name: Plex Autoscan

    2. On Grab: No

    3. On Download: Yes

    4. On Upgrade: Yes

    5. On Rename: Yes

    6. Filter Series Tags: Leave Blank

    7. URL: Your Plex Autoscan Webhook URL

    8. Method:POST

    9. Username: Leave Blank

    10. Password: Leave Blank

  4. The settings will look like this:

    Sonarr Plex Autoscan

  5. Click "Save" to add Plex Autoscan.


  1. Radarr -> "Settings" -> "Connect".

  2. Add a new "Webhook".

  3. Add the following:

    1. Name: Plex Autoscan

    2. On Grab: No

    3. On Download: Yes

    4. On Upgrade: Yes

    5. On Rename: Yes

    6. Filter Movie Tags: Leave Blank

    7. URL: Your Plex Autoscan Webhook URL

    8. Method:POST

    9. Username: Leave Blank

    10. Password: Leave Blank

  4. The settings will look like this:

    Radarr Plex Autoscan

  5. Click "Save" to add Plex Autoscan.


  1. Lidarr -> "Settings" -> "Connect".

  2. Add a new "Webhook" Notification.

  3. Add the following:

    1. Name: Plex Autoscan

    2. On Grab: No

    3. On Album Import: No

    4. On Track Import: Yes

    5. On Track Upgrade: Yes

    6. On Rename: Yes

    7. Tags: Leave Blank

    8. URL: Your Plex Autoscan Webhook URL

    9. Method:POST

    10. Username: Leave Blank

    11. Password: Leave Blank

  4. The settings will look like this:

    Radarr Plex Autoscan

  5. Click "Save" to add Plex Autoscan.