
Show and check native features in the app

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Ionic Natives

This project is a generic Ionic 2 application that demonstrates native functionalities.

Dependecies, Run and Build

Install Ionic CLI 2.x

To build and run this app you need to have Ionic CLI beta installed

$ sudo npm install -g ionic

You can revert back and restore any version of Ionic CLI by using the command:

$ sudo npm install -g {ionic version}


$ sudo npm install -g ionic@1.7.14

Install NodeJS dependencies

Run npm install to install all needed dependencies.

Install plugins and platforms from package.json

Run ionic state restore to install all Cordova plugins and platforms included in the package.json.

Run the app

Use ionic serve -l to run the app in browser and watch for changes in code


use ionic serve to just run the app for a browser preview


use ionic serve --lab to run the app in a browser on two platforms at the same time.

Add a platform

$ ionic platform add <platform>

Supported Cordova platforms:

$ ionic platform add ios
$ ionic platform add android

Build the app

$ ionic build

Εmulate the app on simulator


$ ionic emulate ios


$ ionic emulate android

Plugins installation

Use the following commands and install all the plugins required by the app:

$ cordova plugin add {plugin id or url}


cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser

Used Cordova plugins

In case that the required Cordova plugins are not installed while installing NodeJS dependencies, Cordova's command mentioned previously can be used to install the following plugins:

  • cordova-plugin-inappbrowser - Provides a web browser view. It could be used to open images, access web pages, and open PDF files(https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser.git).
  • cordova-plugin-device - This plugin defines a global device object, which describes the device's hardware and software.
  • cordova-plugin-console - This plugin is meant to ensure that console.log() is as useful as it can be. It adds additional function for iOS, Ubuntu, Windows Phone 8, and Windows.
  • cordova-plugin-whitelist - This plugin implements a whitelist policy for navigating the application webview on Cordova 4.0.
  • cordova-plugin-splashscreen - This plugin is required to work with splash screens. This plugin displays and hides a splash screen during application launch.
  • cordova-plugin-statusbar - Used to customize the iOS and Android StatusBar, alter the appearance of the status bar (color/style).
  • ionic-plugin-keyboard - It provides functions to make interacting with the keyboard easier, and fires events to indicate that the keyboard will hide/show.
  • cordova-plugin-network-information - This plugin provides information about the device's cellular and wifi connection, and whether the device has an internet connection.
  • phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner - This plugin opens a camera view and automagically scans a barcode, returning the data back.
  • cordova-plugin-x-toast - This plugin allows you to show a native Toast on iOS, Android and WP8. It's great for showing a non intrusive native notification which is guaranteed always in the viewport of the browser.
  • cordova-plugin-vibration - This plugin provides a way to vibrate the device.
  • cordova-plugin-spinner-dialog - A waiting dialog / progress dialog plugin with spinner for Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8.
  • cordova-plugin-flashlight - This plugin allows you to switch the flashlight / torch of the device on and off.
  • cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing - This plugin allows you to use the native sharing window of your mobile device.
  • cordova-plugin-actionsheet - Show a sheet of options the user can choose from.
  • cordova-plugin-sim - This is a cordova plugin to get data from the SIM card like the carrier name, mcc, mnc and country code and other system dependent additional info.
  • cordova-plugin-brightness - This plugin provides a simple way to interact with the brightness of your device for iOS and Android.
  • call-number - Call a number directly from your cordova application (https://github.com/Rohfosho/CordovaCallNumberPlugin.git).
  • cordova-plugin-crop - Crop an image in a Cordova app.
  • cordova-plugin-camera - This plugin provides an API for taking pictures and for choosing images from the system's image library.
  • cordova-plugin-screen-orientation - Cordova plugin to set/lock the screen orientation in a common way for iOS, Android, WP8 and Blackberry 10.
  • com-sarriaroman-photoviewer - This plugin is intended to show a picture from an URL into a Photo Viewer with zoom features.
  • de.appplant.cordova.plugin.local-notification - The purpose of this plugin is to enable an application to inform its users that it has something for them when the application isn’t running in the foreground.
  • cordova-plugin-device-motion - This plugin provides access to the device's accelerometer.
  • cordova-plugin-calendar - This plugin allows you to add events to the Calendar of the mobile device.
  • cordova-plugin-dialogs - This plugin provides access to some native dialog UI elements via a global object.
  • cordova-plugin-nativestorage - This plugin enables native storage of variables in Android, iOS and Windows.
  • cordova-plugin-badge - The essential purpose of badge numbers is to enable an application to inform its users that it has something for them when the application isn’t running in the foreground.
  • com.verso.cordova.clipboard - Clipboard management plugin for Cordova/PhoneGap that supports iOS, Android, and Windows Phone 8 (https://github.com/VersoSolutions/CordovaClipboard.git).
  • cordova-plugin-contacts - This plugin provides access to the device contacts database.
  • cordova-plugin-device - This plugin defines a global device object, which describes the device's hardware and software.
  • cordova-plugin-appavailability - This plugin allows you to check if an app is installed on the user's device.
  • cordova-plugin-shake - Detect when a physical device performs a shake gesture.
  • cordova-plugin-datepicker - Show a native date or time picker widget.
  • cordova-plugin-tts - Enables you to access the devices Text to Speech services.
  • uk.co.workingedge.phonegap.plugin.launchnavigator - This Cordova/Phonegap plugin can be used to navigate to a destination by launching native navigation apps on Android and iOS (https://github.com/dpa99c/phonegap-launch-navigator.git).
  • com.bunkerpalace.cordova.YoutubeVideoPlayer - Play Youtube Videos in a native Video Player on Android & iOS (https://github.com/Glitchbone/CordovaYoutubeVideoPlayer.git).
  • cordova-plugin-themeablebrowse - The purpose of this plugin is to provide an in-app-browser that can also be configured to match the theme of your app.
  • cordova-plugin-insomnia - Prevent the screen of the mobile device from falling asleep (https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/Insomnia-PhoneGap-Plugin.git).
  • phonegap-plugin-push - This plugin offers support to receive and handle native push notifications with a single unified API, and with no dependency on any other plugins.
  • cordova-plugin-apprate - This plugin provide the rate this app functionality into your Cordova/Phonegap application.
  • cordova-plugin-streaming-media - This plugin allows you to stream audio and video in a fullscreen, native player on iOS and Android.
  • cordova-plugin-email-composer - The plugin provides access to the standard interface that manages the editing and sending an email message.


Install Ionic View and preview the app on your mobile device using the following Ionic View ID: 1d0d1b64



1.0 - February 24, 2017
- Initial release


Third Party Licenses