
My friends and I decided to create Discord Bot's for a fun project. A previous bot called Harry was used as a beginning framework with mostly simple Async functions. My bot expanded on this with such functions as investing in a fake cryptocurrency market. Players could join a game, start with $10,000 and invest with this fake money on the real prices of cryptocurrencies. The choices would be saved via SQL to an SQLite database running on my raspberry pi at home. Anytime a player wanted they could check the status of their investments to see how each coin was doing from the time of their investment as well as the status of their entire investment. This project took a few days to create as I had never needed to use SQL before and had to teach myself that from scratch well as the error proofing required for the user inputs was quite tedious. In addition I had to learn multiple API's and librarys that I have never used before aswell. Another function allowed users to get update to date information on any crpytocoin that existed with information such as price, rank (market share ranking), change for the last 1 hour, 24 hours and 7 days. I also had a function to get the same information for Stocks as well. I also had a league of legends stats display function that used league of legends API to get up to date information for the summoner that you requested.

Install the required Python libraries by running "pip install -r requirements.txt" in the Python directory.

The bot uses a period "." as a prefix for the input statement.