
Python script to deploy and configure a folder and its content, following templates.

Primary LanguageC++

Folder template

Python script to deploy and configure a folder to a target prefix, following a template. The template specifies the file and folders structures, as well as basic substitutions.


Clone the project.

$ git clone git@github.com:Adnn/folder_template.git
$ cd folder_template

Symlink the wrapper into a binary folder on your path.

Example on macos:

$ ln -s $(pwd)/folder-template /usr/local/bin/


See ./folder-template.py -h for usage.


The substitution syntax is {{identifier}}, it can appear in both file/folder names and file content.


  • project: all lowercase project name.
  • Project: capitalized project name.
  • Project_description
  • cmake_namespace: the CMake namespace that will be assigned to created targets.
  • person: a name to associate with the project.
  • year: current year.