Adobe Dimension Cloud Rendering API


Getting Started



Workflow Automation Render

Using the token generated with the credentials process, substitute $token and $client_id with your token and client_id.

Example Request

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H "x-api-key: $client_id" -X POST -v -d \
 "input": "https://signed-url-GET-base-dn-file....",
 "name": "test-variation",
   "engine_type": "lantern",
 "variations": [
     "render_settings": {
       "name": "test-variation-name",
       "properties": [
           "name": "setPropertyValue",
           "property": "Scene/Beverage Can/Can/Materials/Can Material/Base Color",
           "value": {
             "type": "image",
             "file": "https://signed-url-GET-variation-image..."
       "return_url": "https://signed-url-PUT-for-render-result...",
       "preset": "preset-low",
       "outputs": [
           "pixel_depth": 16,
           "output_format": "psd"

Example Output

  "id": [

Parameters Details

Field Type Description
input string A signed url where Adobe DnCR can download the base dn file. This could be a AWS S3 presigned URL, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Shared Access Signature URL, or a public url
name string This is free formed, can be anything you want.
variations array holds the render_settings and desired output format
variations[].render_settings hashmap holds the properties for the render variation a user wants to produce
variations[] string This is free formed, can be anything you want.
variations[] array holds the properties that you want to change in the base dn file
variations[][].name string right now, it only supports setPropertyValue. Other values TBD
variations[][].property string The identifier of the element you would like to replace. The identifier format is as follows Scene/GROUP_NAME/NAME/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_TYPE/PROPERTY or if your model is not part of a group Scene/NAME/PROPERTY/PROPERTY_TYPE/PROPERTY
Materials Examples or Camera Examples
variations[][].value hashmap Properties of the variation asset and location of the asset
variations[][].value.type string Current only supports image, color, vector2D, vector3D, transform
variations[][].value.file string The Adobe Illustrator design to apply to the input model
variations[].render_settings.return_url string The AWS S3 Pre-signed URL for the rendered output to be sent
variations[].render_settings.preset string Render quality. Allowed values preset-low, preset-medium, or preset-high
variations[].render_settings.outputs array information about the desired pixel/color depth and file format
variations[].render_settings.outputs[].pixel_depth integer The color depth of the rendered image. Allowed values 8, 16, or 32. Note, 32-bit pixel depth is only valid for psd
variations[].render_settings.outputs[].output_format string The format of the output file. Allowed values png or psd

Check status of renders

A request to render will return a list of job ids. To check on the status, make the following call

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H "x-api-key: $client_id" -X GET<JOB_ID>

Example Request

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H "x-api-key: $client_id" -X GET

Example output

  "outputs": [
      "pixel_depth": 16,
      "output_format": "psd"
  "is_internal_user": false,
  "render_size": 1934350,
  "start_time": 1541125333794,
  "output_format": "psd",
  "end_time": 1541125384097,
  "name": "test-variation-name",
  "pixel_depth": 16,
  "user_id": "test-user",
  "render_status_percentage": 100,
  "file_size": 12461228,
  "input": "",
  "variations": [
      "render_settings": {
        "name": "test-variation-name",
        "outputs": [
            "pixel_depth": 16,
            "output_format": "psd"
        "return_url": "https://signed-url-PUT-for-render-result...",
        "preset": "preset-low",
        "properties": [
            "name": "setPropertyValue",
            "property": "Scene/Coke Can/Materials/Label/Base Color",
            "value": {
              "type": "image",
              "file": "https://signed-url-GET-variation-image..."
  "preset": "preset-low",
  "id": "2c575577-30d6-4eb3-b7e5-988c94783f41",
  "render_status": "complete",

Example App Quick Start

For a quick start to experience what the DnCR API can achieve, an example app is included in this repository.


  • AWS S3 Bucket - For more information on how to create an AWS S3 bucket click here
  • AWS Credentials - For more information on AWS credential click here
  • Node.js Version 8 or 10. Recommended version 8.

The example files can be found in assets/ directory if you would like to inspect. The quick start app will use base.dn in the assets/ directory and apply different materials (black.psd, blue.psd, green.psd, red.psd, yellow.psd) to the base model.

npm install
//Replace with BUCKET, USERNAME, PASSWORD and REGION with your own

//variation with black label
node scripts/app.js --bucket BUCKET --region REGION --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --example black

//variation with green label
node scripts/app.js --bucket BUCKET --region REGION --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --example green

//variation with blue label
node scripts/app.js --bucket BUCKET --region REGION --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --example blue

//variation with green label
node scripts/app.js --bucket BUCKET --region REGION --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --example green

//variation with red label
node scripts/app.js --bucket BUCKET --region REGION --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --example red

node scripts/app.js --bucket adobe-bucket --region us-east-1 --username adobe-user --password MyPassword --example black

Render Variation API - POST

Submits a job for cloud rendering

Request syntax

Request Method: POST
Authorization required: token
x-api-key required: client_id
Endpoint: /v1/variation/render

Required Headers

x-api-key: client_id
Authorization: Bearer $token

Response syntax

  • A success response has status HTTP 200 (OK) and returns list of job ids.
  • A failure response has status HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) and returns JSON-formatted error information in the response body. The call fails if the username or password that authorizes the request is not present or is not valid.



POST /v1/variation/render HTTP/2
x-api-key: $client_id
Authorization: Bearer $token
  "input": "https://signed-url-GET-base-dn-file....",
  "name": "test-variation",
	"engine_type": "lantern",
  "variations": [
      "render_settings": {
        "name": "test-variation-name",
        "properties": [
            "name": "setPropertyValue",
            "property": "Scene/Beverage Can/Can/Materials/Can Material/Base Color",
            "value": {
              "type": "image",
              "file": "https://signed-url-GET-variation-image..."
        "return_url": "https://signed-url-PUT-for-render-result...",
        "preset": "preset-low",
        "outputs": [
            "pixel_depth": 16,
            "output_format": "psd"

Link To Paramter Details


  "id": [

Render Status - GET

Check status for a render

Request syntax

Request Method: GET
Authorization required: token
x-api-key required: client_id
Endpoint: /v1/render/<job_id>

Required Headers

x-api-key: client_id
Authorization: Bearer $token

Render status

  • pending - submitted to dncr, waiting for job to be picked up
  • start_conversion - converter service has picked up the job
  • pull_dcx - pull dcx component from CCFiles
  • downloading - download files
  • uncompressing - extract files
  • rendering - render the scene
  • uploading - upload the rendered image to CCFiles and external URL
  • complete - render has completed
  • error - render has errored
  • Response syntax

    • A success response has status HTTP 200 (OK) and returns information about the render progress
    • A failure response has status HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) and returns JSON-formatted error information in the response body. The call fails if the username or password that authorizes the request is not present or is not valid.



    GET /v1/render/2c575577-30d6-4eb3-b7e5-988c94783f41 HTTP/2
    x-api-key: $client_id
    Authorization: Bearer $token


      "outputs": [
          "pixel_depth": 16,
          "output_format": "psd"
      "is_internal_user": false,
      "render_size": 1934350,
      "start_time": 1541125333794,
      "output_format": "psd",
      "end_time": 1541125384097,
      "name": "test-variation-name",
      "pixel_depth": 16,
      "user_id": "test-user",
      "render_status_percentage": 100,
      "file_size": 12461228,
      "input": "",
      "variations": [
          "render_settings": {
            "name": "test-variation-name",
            "outputs": [
                "pixel_depth": 16,
                "output_format": "psd"
            "return_url": "https://signed-url-PUT-for-render-result...",
            "preset": "preset-low",
            "properties": [
                "name": "setPropertyValue",
                "property": "Scene/Coke Can/Materials/Label/Base Color",
                "value": {
                  "type": "image",
                  "file": "https://signed-url-GET-variation-image..."
      "preset": "preset-low",
      "id": "2c575577-30d6-4eb3-b7e5-988c94783f41",
      "render_status": "complete",