- AlJohriAmazon
- andrewsanchezAnkiHub
- arne-clPotsdam
- automenta
- brancusiATD
- cesineMontréal, Québec, Canada
- cmxu2012
- cyrtaMetamedia Technologies
- dave-trudesoctobyte
- deepankvermaTU Braunschweig
- drammockUniversity of Washington
- DriblinhoPoland
- emckean@wordnik
- entenbein
- entn-atPortland, Oregon
- erkhemeeAnduud Lab LLC
- geoo993London
- Gerst20051@Checkr
- inginx
- ixaxaar@google
- jbestBotanical Research Institute of Texas
- lmaxwellWestlake University
- megazone87
- mikelnrdUK
- namar0x0309Big Tech
- natelawrence
- navta
- oplatek
- paulrodriguesMagicSpark.AI, DataGuild.AI
- r7saYandex
- sanmai-NLHAN University of Applied Sciences
- StaceyJLingTissa
- TanUkkii007Tokyo
- tb0hdanSELF
- the-nerdery-dot-infoLED Baseline, Inc.
- winnie8888