JSON to JSONL Converter with Word Document Support

This utility is a Node.js script that converts JSON data to JSONL (JSON Lines) format. It also reads completion text from Microsoft Word documents and includes it in the final JSONL output.


  • Converts JSON data to JSONL format
  • Reads completion text from Word documents
  • Handles newline characters in JSONL


  1. Install Node.js on your computer.

  2. Clone this repository or download the source code.

  3. Open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory containing the source code, and run:

npm install

This command installs the required dependencies: fs, mammoth.


  1. Prepare an input javascript file containing an array of objects. Each object should have the following structure:
module.exports = [{
  "prompt": {
    "question": "What is the capital?",
    "additionalInfo": "This city serves as the state's administrative center."
  "wordFile": "completion1.docx"
  1. Save the input.js file in the same directory as the script and name it input.js.
  2. Update the inputJson variable in the script to require the input.js file:
const inputJson = require("./input");
  1. Run the script
node index.js

The script will generate a JSONL file named output.jsonl in the same directory.


Suppose you have the following JSON input data in a file named input.js:

module.exports = [
    "prompt": {
      "question": "What is the capital?",
      "additionalInfo": "This city serves as the state's administrative center."
    "wordFile": "completion1.docx"
    "prompt": {
      "question": "What is the state flower?",
      "additionalInfo": "This flower is native to the Pacific Northwest."
    "wordFile": "completion2.docx"

And you have two Word documents (completion1.docx and completion2.docx) containing the completion text.

When you run the script, it will generate a JSONL file (output.jsonl) with the following content:

{"prompt":"{\"question\":\"What is the capital?\",\"additionalInfo\":\"This city serves as the state's administrative center.\"}\nAnswer:","completion":" The capital of Washington State is Olympia."}
{"prompt":"{\"question\":\"What is the state flower?\",\"additionalInfo\":\"This flower is native to the Pacific Northwest.\"}\nAnswer:","completion":" The state flower of Washington is the Coast Rhododendron."}