
Master IA, Multi-Agents negotiation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Reinforcement Learning Negotiations

@AdrKacz, @mbeaufre, Master Artificial Intelligence Ecole Centrale Lyon - Lyon 1

If you have any questions or issues, don't hesitate to contact us or to open an Issue or a Pull Request

Run the project

Programs were tested on macOS and will work on Linux. If you run on Windows, please use a terminal that can display colour, otherwise ./legacy/main.py won't run.

git clone https://github.com/AdrKacz/IA-Negotiation.git
cd IA-Negotiation

# Static method
cd legacy
python3 main.py

# Dynamic method
cd rl-python
python3 -m venv .
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 main.py


A Seller has to sell an item to a Buyer. The Seller wants to sell its item as expensive as possible, while the Buyer wants to buy it as cheap as possible.

We focus on optimising the strategy of the Seller, and the Buyer.

Static method

An obvious way of tackling the problem will be to define different strategies for Sellers and Agents and measure their performance in an Environment.

We implement such a way in the ./legacy folder, but as you will see, we quickly gave up this approach.

We will use three objects:

  • Buyer (in ./legacy/buyer.py) that defines the Buyer strategy in its act function.
  • Seller (in ./legacy/seller.py) that defines the Seller strategy in its act function.
  • Environment (in ./legacy/environment.py) that makes the links between a Buyer and a Seller and print information in the terminal.

Tool of visualisation

We use the curses library to print information in the terminal and refresh it.

We first wrap our main function in the curses.wrapper to safely get access our terminal screen.

We then initialise the screen and the colour used in ./legacy/main.py.

At every iteration, the Seller acts, then the Buyer acts, then the terminal is refreshed. There is a total of 10 iteration because, with the strategies defined, there is no need for more to find an agreement.

for i in range(10):
  # time.sleep(0.5)
  stdscr.addstr(0, 0, f'Iteration {i}\t')

# Clear screen

curses.curs_set(0) # invisible cursor

scaled = lambda x: int(1000 * x / 255)
curses.init_pair(0, 0, -1) # Base
curses.init_color(1, scaled(191), scaled(255), scaled(234)) # Light Green
curses.init_color(2, scaled(0), scaled(179), scaled(120)) # Green
curses.init_color(3, scaled(255), scaled(192), scaled(177)) # Light Red
curses.init_color(4, scaled(179), scaled(45), scaled(12)) # Red

curses.init_color(5, scaled(48), scaled(255), scaled(25)) # Flashy Light
curses.init_color(6, scaled(255), scaled(71), scaled(25)) # Flashy Red

curses.init_pair(1, -1, 1)
curses.init_pair(2, -1, 2)
curses.init_pair(3, -1, 3)
curses.init_pair(4, -1, 4)

curses.init_pair(5, 5, 6)
curses.init_pair(6, 6, -1)

Environment defines a display function in charge of printing the current state of the negotiation.

def display(self, y_shift=1):
    # ...
    # Define function factor to print from left to right
    # ...

    # Metadata
    # ----- Scale
    for i in range(min_price, max_price + 1, 10):
        stdscr.addstr(y_shift + 1, local_transform(i) - len(str(i)) + 1, str(i), curses.color_pair(0))
    # ----- Label
    stdscr.addstr(y_shift + y_buyer, 0, 'BUYER', curses.color_pair(0))
    stdscr.addstr(y_shift + y_seller, 0, 'SELLER', curses.color_pair(0))
    # ----- Background
    min_buyer, max_buyer = local_transform(self.buyer.min_price), local_transform(self.buyer.max_price)
    stdscr.addstr(y_shift + y_buyer, min_buyer, (max_buyer - min_buyer) * ' ', curses.color_pair(1))

    min_seller, max_seller = local_transform(self.seller.min_price), local_transform(self.seller.max_price)
    stdscr.addstr(y_shift + y_seller, min_seller, (max_seller - min_seller) * ' ', curses.color_pair(3))

    # Buyer Price
    if self.buyer.price != None:
        x = local_transform(self.buyer.price)
        stdscr.addch(y_shift + y_buyer, x, ' ', curses.color_pair(2))

    # Seller price
    if self.seller.price != None:
        x = local_transform(self.seller.price)
        print(x, curses.COLS)
        stdscr.addstr(y_shift + y_seller, x, ' ', curses.color_pair(4))

    # Deal
    if self.deal:
        stdscr.addstr(y_shift, 0, f'DEAL at {self.seller.price}', curses.color_pair(5))


display function is called at every iteration of the negotiation and displayed as below.

Legacy Deal


Both the Buyer and the Seller have a minimum acceptable price and a maximum acceptable price.


Buyer make an offer that is the average of the offer made by the Seller and its minimum acceptable price. If the Seller hasn't made an offer yet, it simply gives its minimum acceptable price.

# Look for desired price of the seller
seller_price = self.parent.seller.price
if self.price is None: # Initialise
    if seller_price != None:
        self.price = max(self.min_price, (self.min_price + seller_price) // 2)
        self.price = self.min_price

# Price is defined
assert seller_price != None
self.price = max(self.min_price, (self.price + seller_price) // 2)


Seller make an offer that is the average of the offer made by the Buyer and its maximum acceptable price. If the Buyer hasn't made an offer yet, it simply gives its maximum acceptable price.

# Look for desired price of the buyer
buyer_price = self.parent.buyer.price
if self.price is None: # Initialise
    if buyer_price != None:
        self.price = min(self.max_price, (self.max_price + buyer_price) // 2)
        self.price = self.max_price

# Price is defined
assert buyer_price != None
self.price = min(self.max_price, (self.price + buyer_price) // 2)


As expected, both the Buyer and the Seller act the way they are defined to act.

We don't have previous knowledge in negotiation strategies and thus cannot come up with interesting strategies to compare.

Moreover, the problem doesn't change if we add multiple Buyers and multiple Sellers. Indeed, after finding the one they want to negotiate with, we are reduced to the original problem. One of the Agents can close the negotiation earlier to simulate a switch between a different Agent to negotiate a better price.

To obtain something interesting, we decided not to fix the strategies and instead compute an optimal strategy.

Dynamic method

We will use a Reinforcement Learning Algorithm to optimise the strategy of the Buyer and of the Seller.

All the following work is in the ./rl-python folder.

Limit the scope

We will implement the Q-Learning Algorithm. This algorithm is based on a representation of the Environment of the Agent as couples of states and actions.

For each state, there is an associated reward used to update the Q-Table of the Agent thanks to the Bellman's Equation.

class Agent:
  def update_state(self, step_return):
      if self.last_action_index ==  None:
          raise ValueError('Cannot update Q-Table if no action has been made')

      new_state = step_return['new_state']
      # Update Q-table Q(state, action) -- Bellman's Equation
      self.q_table[self.state][self.last_action_index] = self.q_table[self.state][self.last_action_index] * (1 - self.learning_rate) + self.learning_rate * (step_return['reward'] + self.discount_rate * max(self.q_table[new_state]))

      self.state = new_state

The Q-Table holds the different states in its rows and the different actions in its columns. The index highest value in a row (corresponding to a state) is the index of the action to perform.

The objective is to determine, for each state, what is the best action to choose, to obtain the highest reward at the end.

We have to determine the states, the actions, and the rewards associate with each state.

State Space

Q-Learning Algorithm enforces to have a finite number of states.

We choose to limit the number of different price offers (price_space_size) to 5 and the maximum number of exchanges between the Buyer and the Seller (time_space_size) to 5.

So, negotiation is made up of 5 rounds. During 1 round, the Seller acts, then the Buyer acts, or vice versa.

There is an additional final state. This state is needed because the Q-Learning Algorithm only learn from the current state to the previous one. So, to learn if a transaction was successful, you need a state to end up after the transaction.

There is an initial state, the agent is in this state when it hasn't received any offer yet and has to make one.

That made up a total of price_space_size x time_space_size + 1 states, so 5 x 5 + 1 = 26 states.

class Environement():
  def __init__(self):
    # ...

    # Complexity : price_space_size = P , time_space_size = T
    self.price_space_size = 5
    self.time_space_size = 5

    # ...

    # States (P * T + 2)
    # price.time (for each price and for each time)
    # Start state s
    offer_states = [f'{price + 1}.{time}' for time in range(self.time_space_size) for price in range(self.price_space_size)]
    self.state_space = ['s'] + offer_states + ['d']

    # ...
  # ...

In Q-Learning Algorithm, agents explore multiple times all couples of states and actions to learn the best combination. So, the higher the number of states is, the more complicated it is to find a stable Q-Table.

Action Space

Each agent can either make a new offer, within the price_space_size, accept the previous offer if any, and quit the transaction.

That makes up a total of 7 different actions.

class Environement():
  def __init__(self):
    # ...

    # Complexity : price_space_size = P , time_space_size = T
    self.price_space_size = 5
    self.time_space_size = 5

    # Actions (P + 2)
    # 1 <= i <= n : offer ; 0 : accept : -1 : reject
    self.action_space = [i + 1 for i in range(self.price_space_size)] + [0, -1]

    self.action_space_size = len(self.action_space)

    # ...
  # ...

If the agent is in the initial state, it cannot accept or quit the transaction.

If the agent is in the last round of the transaction, it has to either accept the last offer or quit the transaction, it cannot make another offer.

class Agent:
  def dynamic_action_space(self):
        # Must do an offer at first
        # Must accept or reject if last round
        from_action, to_action = 0, self.action_space_size
        if self.state == 0: # Start
            to_action -= 2 # Remove Validate and Reject
        elif self.state_space_size + 1 - self.action_space_size <= self.state < self.state_space_size - 1: # Last round
            from_action += self.action_space_size - 2 # Remove offer action

        return from_action, to_action
  # ...


Seller and Buyer have a different reward system.

Agent gains a reward when it accepts an offer or if its offer is accepted by another agent.

Seller reward has the value of the price of the offer divided by price_space_size. So the higher the offer is, the higher the reward is.

class Seller(Agent):
  # ...
  def get_reward(self, step_return_without_reward):
      info = step_return_without_reward['info']
      if info.get('type') == 'validated':
          assert 1 <= info.get('offer', 0) <= 5
          return info['offer'] / 5
      return 0
 # ...

Buyer reward has the value of one minus the price of the offer divided by price_space_size. So the lower the offer is, the higher the reward is.

class Buyer(Agent):
  # ...
  def get_reward(self, step_return_without_reward):
        info = step_return_without_reward['info']
        if info.get('type')  == 'validated':
            assert 1 <= info.get('offer', 0) <= 5
            return 1 - info['offer'] / 5
        return 0
 # ...

Concurrent Q-Learning

One of the major problems to overcome is that there is no static environment.

Indeed, in a classic setup, there is one agent, that acts in an environment, the environment stays the same and reacts to agent's actions.

However, here, the environment, of one agent is another agent. However, we don't know the optimal behaviour of another agent until it's trained.

So, we have to train both agents at the same time during the training phase.

However, while learning, Q-Learning Algorithm requires a certain amount of stability to evolve.

So, we decided to fix the other agent during a certain amount of negotiations training, and then switch. We have the trainee that is the agent that trained its Q-Table and the trainer that has a fixed Q-Table and behaves like a more classical environment will.

Two parameters control the length of the training:

  • num_cycles is the number of switches performed between trainee and trainer
  • num_episodes is the number of negotiations for each cycle.
class Environment():
  def __init__(self):
    # Training Information
    self.num_cycles = int(5e1)
    self.num_episodes = int(1e2)

    # ...
    # Buyer and Seller
    self.buyer, self.seller = Buyer(), Seller()
  # ...

There are still two problems to solve:

  1. After a cycle, the trainee agent will outperform trainer agent, thus in the next cycle, the new trainee agent (old trainer agent) will struggle to evolve in a too difficult environment. To overcome this, we store the Q-Table of the trainee agent before the cycle begins and use this Q-Table in the next cycle while trainee becomes trainer

  2. The agent that starts will train its value for the initial state but never for the states of the last round. The same, the agent that doesn't start will never train its value for the initial state but will for the states of the last round. So, to train all values in the Q-Tables, we alternate for each episode (or transaction) the agent that starts.

class Environment():
  # ...
  def train(...):
    # ...
    # Initialise Q-Tables
    # Define trainee and trainer
    #   trainee being either self.seller or self.buyer
    #   trainer begin the other one
    # ...
    for cycle in range(self.num_cycles):
      # ...
      for episode in range(self.num_episodes):
        # Reset
        # ...
        # Determine do the first offer
        is_trainer_first = episode % 2 == 0
        if is_trainer_first:
        for step in range(self.time_space_size):
            # Get Trainee action
          action_index = trainee.act()
          step_return = self.step(self.action_space[action_index], trainee)

          # ...
          # Check if the action terminates the transaction
          # ...

          # Get Trainer action
          action_index = trainer.exploit(overwrite_q_table=trainer_q_table)
          step_return = self.step(self.action_space[action_index], trainee)

          # Update Trainee states and Q-Tables

          # ...
          # Check if the action terminate the transaction    
          # ...
        # Q-Learning Algorithm Exploration Decay
        # ...
      # ...
      # Switch Trainee and Trainer
      trainer_q_table = deepcopy(trainer.q_table)
      trainee, trainer = trainer, trainee
      trainee_q_table, trainer_q_table = trainer_q_table, trainee_q_table
  # ...

Training Parameters

The train function of the environment has multiple optional parameters.

  • verbose (bool): whether or not to display global statistics in the terminal and the final Q-Tables of self.seller and self.buyer. Blank values in the Q-Tables are null or untrained values.

  • display_normalized (bool): whether or not to display the normalized Q-Tables of self.seller and self.buyer. The normalized Q-Tables can be read more easily.

  • display_plot (bool): whether or not to display as the graphs the statistics of the training.

  • train_both (bool): whether or not to train both the Seller and the Buyer. Useful to compare during testing if a trained agent overcome an untrained agent.

  • train_agent (str): either 'Seller' or 'Buyer'. If train_both is enabled, define the agent that will be trained first (first cycle training). If train_both is disabled, define the agent to train.

Testing Q-Tables

Testing is similar to the training. The only difference is that Q-Tables are not updated during the process.


In the code, the states are written as price-of-the-offer-just-received.time-step. Initial state is s and final state is d.

Both agents trained, Seller first

We first trained both agents simultaneously, Seller first, then Buyer first.

We replace the content of ./rl-python/main.py with:

from environment import Environment

if __name__ == '__main__':
    environment = Environment()
    print('\n\033[1mBoth Trained - Seller First\033[0m')
    environment.train(verbose=True, display_plot=True, train_agent='Seller')


With the global statistics, we notice that the number of validations is greater than the number of rejections. That makes sense because agents earn rewards on successful transactions.

As expected, the lower part of the Q-Tables is empty, indeed, states from 1.4 to 5.4 cannot lead to a new offer.


The plots are jittering up and down. This may seem strange but it's totally fine. Indeed, we switch which one is training and which one only use it Q-Tables each cycle.

Let's look at the first graph for example. The Seller starts, so it is trained when the cycle is even. When Seller is training, it acts in a less optimised manner. So the number of validated offers should decrease (as well as its wallet in the last graph).

On the other hand, when Seller is the trainer, it only uses its Q-Tables so we expect it to optimise its actions, so the number of validated offers should get up (as well as its wallet).

This is exactly what we have, re-run the code in your environment if you are not sure about that.

However, the plot reveals problematic behaviour. Both agents seems to converge extremely quickly to a stable state (less than 10 cycles, so less than 1000 episodes). This is not expected. That reveals that our models may be oversimplified.

Nonetheless, the algorithm is working and we know we could extend it to a broader action space, time-space, and a larger number of agents.

Both agents trained, switching the first

We now look if changing the first agent change something in the training.

from environment import Environment

if __name__ == '__main__':
    environment = Environment()
    print('\n\033[1mBoth Trained - Seller First\033[0m')
    environment.train(verbose=True, display_plot=True, train_agent='Seller')


We observe that the first agent to be trained is the agent that takes the win over time. Indeed, when Seller is trained first, it sells for 2846 whereas when Buyer is trained first, Seller sells for 2681 < 2846. This pattern repeats each time you run the program.

Ideally, this shouldn't happen. Indeed, this means that we have a bias in the training. However, we have no idea how to solve it. Using different values of num_cycles and num_episodes doesn't change the problem.

On the other hand, we observe the most trained agent, as expected, beat the less trained agent. However this is not what we were looking for, so we will do the last comparison to check this assumption.

Only one agent trained, switching the first

from environment import Environment

if __name__ == '__main__':
    environment = Environment()
    print('\n\033[1mBoth Trained - Seller First\033[0m')
    environment.train(train_both=False, train_agent='Seller')
    print('\n\033[1mBoth Trained - Buyer First\033[0m')
    environment.train(train_both=False, train_agent='Buyer')


Exactly as expected, the agent trained outperforms the agent not trained. Indeed, when Seller is trained, it sells for 2762 whereas when Buyer is trained, Seller only sells for less than half, 1255.

That is a very good result of the algorithm, and we could imagine further research using multiple agents trained differently.


To simulate a negotiation, we had to go through various processes and understand clearly what is the core of the problem.

We rewrite the problem to keep it as simple as possible, and to be able to manage a more complex algorithm on it.

We had to rewrite the classic Q-Learning Algorithm and adapt it to our Concurrent Learning situation. On a much larger scale, DeepMind made similar adaptations to train AlphaGo.

What was particularly understanding is how, by working on the subject, we discovered new areas to look at*. Indeed, what was dark and without expectation first, becomes a promising field we had to stop our experimentations because of time constraints.

Further Research

  • Enlarge price_space_size and time_space_size, and see if new significant result appears.

Potential Result: More complex strategy or impossibility to converge toward a stable Q-Table.

  • Train a bunch of agents (both Seller and Buyer), with different learning parameters, and put them in a global room to negotiate together.

  • Give a common wallet to multiple agents.

Potential Result: Simulate a mini marketplace with multi-actors and multi-wallets.

  • Instead of limiting the number of transactions limit the number of time steps.

Potential Result: Infer new behaviour, where closing a transaction earlier is a real improvement in the strategy.

  • Use the visualisation made first in ./legacy to display results of Q-Learning.

Potential Result: More enjoyable observations.