
D3 based representation of train's timetable, delay and custemers flow within

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Life of the Train

D3 based representation of train's timetable, delay and custemers flow within.


To generate the graph, you can either:

  • Directly call the plotTrains(dataRoute, dataCustemers, "#containerId") function, with:

    • dataRoute the json data of trains timetable and delay (see description below)
    • dataCustemers the json data of custemers flow within the trains (see description below)
    • #containerId the HTML container ID in which one wants to plot the graph (if undefined or inexistant in the HTML page, the graph will be plot in body)
  • Call the plotTrainsFromTSV("dataRoute.tsv", "dataCustemers.tsv", "#containerId") function that read two TSV (tablation separated values) that contain the data, with:

    • dataRoute.tsv the data needed to build dataRoute (see columns below)
    • dataCustemers.tsv the data needed to build dataCustemers (see columns below)
    • #containerId the HTML container ID (see above)
  • Or call the plotRandomTrains(nbNums, nbDays, "#containerId") function that randomly generate data, with:

    • nbNums the number of train number wanted
    • nbDays the number of days for each train number
    • #containerId the HTML container ID (see above)

Data Structure

To plot a train's timetable, one always needs to specify the dataRoute element. It is basically a list of points that represent the passage of a train at a specific time and space. The elements of the list contains the following attributes:

  • number: [String] Number of the train
  • day: [String] Date of circulation (any format, not parsed)
  • pointId: [String] ID of the route point
  • pointName: [String] Name of the route point
  • hour: [Date] Theoric hour of passage at route point
  • delay: [Integer] Delay in minutes of the train at the passage (optional)
  • type: [String] Type of passage ("D"=Departure, "P"=Passage/Transit, "A"=Arrival)

To see the flow of custemers within the train, one shall also provide the dataCustemers element. This is also a list of element describing a flow of custemer within a train. The elements of the list contains the following attributes:

  • number: [String] Number of the train
  • day: [String] Date of circulation (any format, not parsed)
  • inPoint: [String] ID of the route point where custemers get on the train
  • outPoint: [String] ID of the route point where custemers get off the train
  • nbCustemers: [Integer] Number of custemers of the flow The specified train (number + day) must be in the dataRoute list or the data will be ignored.

Data TSV Columns

Similarly to the data structure, the TSV files contain the following columns:

  • Route Data:

    • number: [String] Number of the train
    • day: [String] Date of circulation (any format, not parsed)
    • pointId: [String] ID of the route point
    • pointName: [String] Name of the route point
    • hour: [Date] Theoric hour of passage at route point (format "HH:MM:SS", with HH from 0 to 23)
    • delay: [Integer] Delay in minutes of the train at the passage (optional)
    • type: [String] Type of passage ("D"=Departure, "P"=Passage/Transit, "A"=Arrival)
    • obs: [String] Observations (not used, but may figure in future version. ex: causes of delay)
  • Custemers Data

    • number: [String] Number of the train
    • day: [String] Date of circulation (any format, not parsed)
    • inPoint: [String] ID of the route point where custemers get on the train
    • outPoint: [String] ID of the route point where custemers get off the train
    • nbCustemers: [Integer] Number of custemers of the flow

The order of the columns do not import but the columns' names must be the same as the algorithm uses d3js TSV reader (based on columns name).

Javascript Parameters

In the begining of the javascript file, there is a small section called "Parameters" where one can find all parameters used for the graphic plot.

  • First of all, there is the labels definition. All legends and texts are listed there and are easily editable. Labels have been edited in French and English, feel free to complete them with more languages.

  • Then come the dimensions of the svg element (margin, width and height) to rescale the global graph.

  • One can change the colors used:

    • selectionColor represent the mouse over areas color
    • delayColor and custemersDelayColor are the two colors for train and custemers delay
    • minCustemersColor and maxCustemersColor represent the extrema values of the custemers area stack color scale
  • deltaTimeOriginTerminus is the time (in millisec) that is added on the time axis before the origin and after the terminus to better see both of them

  • transformationDuration is the time (in millisec) of the transformation of the delay line when clicking the delay button (to switch between train's and custemers' delay)

  • custemersInterpolation, delayInterpolation and stackOffset are three parameters used in d3js interpolation function (all other possible values are listed in the file)

  • radius and angle are used to rotate and offset the timetable points legend

  • Finally, minimumDomainLength gives a minimum domain length for delay values