- Navigate to the backend directory
cd backend
- Copy over the .example.env file
mv .env.example .env
- Create a database (postgres), on a mac you can use
brew servies start postgresql
- Manually create a database
CREATE DATABASE {database_name}
- Ensure the name along with the database credentials matches what you put in the .env file
- Install dependencies
composer install
- Run setup script:
bash startup.sh
- You should be running the app on port 8000
Found in Tests/
cd device_management/backend
composer install && ./vendor/bin/phpunit Tests
Found in backend/index.php
- GET /devices -> get all mobile devices
- GET /device/{id} -> gets a single mobile device
- GET /device/{id} -> gets a specific mobile device
- POST /device/ -> Creates a new device
- PUT /device/{id} -> Updates a device's model
- DELETE -> /delete/{id} -> Deletes a specific device
API Schema example
{ "id": "7f46c158-c2de-494d-b414-6219ac269384",
"model": "Amazon Fire Phone",
"os": "Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean",
"brand": "Amazon",
"release_date": "2014-07",
"received_datatime": "2023-02-09 00:00:00",
"is_new": false,
"created_datetime": "2023-02-09 17:11:42",
"update_datetime": "2023-02-09 17:11:42"
-> Add middleware for simpler and more expansive cors handling (on other request methods) -> Look to see if things could be named better -> Modularise more of the controller code -> Abstract away start up process by creating docker images and user docker-compose for everything
cd frontend && yarn install && yarn dev
- Add edit form
- Fix registration form
- Split components up
- Prehaps some end-to end testing with cypress
- Improve the design