
Challenge to build a full stack application (PHP Backend and Vue.js Frontend)

Primary LanguagePHP

Mobile Device Management

To run BackEnd

  1. Navigate to the backend directory cd backend
  2. Copy over the .example.env file mv .env.example .env
  3. Create a database (postgres), on a mac you can use brew servies start postgresql
  4. Manually create a database CREATE DATABASE {database_name}
  5. Ensure the name along with the database credentials matches what you put in the .env file
  6. Install dependencies composer install
  7. Run setup script: bash startup.sh
  8. You should be running the app on port 8000

To run Tests

Found in Tests/

cd device_management/backend
composer install && ./vendor/bin/phpunit Tests

Routes Defined

Found in backend/index.php

  • GET /devices -> get all mobile devices
  • GET /device/{id} -> gets a single mobile device
  • GET /device/{id} -> gets a specific mobile device
  • POST /device/ -> Creates a new device
  • PUT /device/{id} -> Updates a device's model
  • DELETE -> /delete/{id} -> Deletes a specific device

API Schema example

     { "id": "7f46c158-c2de-494d-b414-6219ac269384",
        "model": "Amazon Fire Phone",
        "os": "Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean",
        "brand": "Amazon",
        "release_date": "2014-07",
        "received_datatime": "2023-02-09 00:00:00",
        "is_new": false,
        "created_datetime": "2023-02-09 17:11:42",
        "update_datetime": "2023-02-09 17:11:42"

Backend Todos

-> Add middleware for simpler and more expansive cors handling (on other request methods) -> Look to see if things could be named better -> Modularise more of the controller code -> Abstract away start up process by creating docker images and user docker-compose for everything

To Run FrontEnd

cd frontend && yarn install && yarn dev

FrontEnd Todos

- Add edit form
- Fix registration form
- Split components up
- Prehaps some end-to end testing with cypress
- Improve the design