This repository contains components of the Jet SSD study. Feel free to reproduce the results and report issues if any. Check slides here and read more here.


The environment is specified in the environment.yml file. It can be setup like this:

conda env create -f misc/environment.yml
conda activate jetssd

The environment is quite big. Depending on which part of the study needs reproduction, some of the packages may be unnecessary.

Also download color palette with sh scripts/


Option 1: Download

For the fastest and simplest setup, download files from Zenodo.

Option 2: Generate or access

(optional) ROOT files

Depending on your setup, it may be possible to access the files from CERN eos. The files are located in /eos/project/d/dshep/CEVA/. Run your ROOT simulation in case these files are inaccessible with the card from here.

(optional) Full HDF5 files

Files are available in /eos/project/d/dshep/CEVA/. If not accessible, to generate HDF5 files for all the available ROOT data, replace <src> with /eos/project/d/dshep/CEVA/ or the destination directory from the previous step. First, run

mkdir data
python scripts/ <src> data/file-configuration.json

to generate information about file content (files may be irregular when there were failures during simulation). The configuration file will be stored in the data folder.

To generate HDF5 files replace <src> with source dirtectory , e.g. /eos/project/d/dshep/CEVA/RSGraviton_WW_NARROW and <dst> with output directory. This line will output one file for each <src> directory.

python <src> -o <dst> -v

Target size HDF5 files

Depending on your setup, it may be possible to access the files from CERN eos. The files are located in /eos/project/d/dshep/CEVA-hdf5/mix. If not accessible, please run the optional steps from above first.

To run, replace dataset_misc section in ssd-config.yml with proper source directory name (<dst> from previos step or /eos/project/d/dshep/CEVA-hdf5) and target sizes. Lastly, change dataset section in ssd-config.yml with proper target directory paths for HDF5 files, e.g. replace /path/to/train0 with ./foo/my-train-0.h5. The following line will generate target files.


(optional) Explore the data

Two notebooks help with understanding and verifying the data.

  • a-walk-through gives a general introduction.
  • profile-dataset shows dataset details.

Training and evaluation


  • Change ssd-config.yml file paths in the dataset to point to your HDF5 files.

Run training with:

  • python <name_fpn> -v for full precision,
  • python <name_int8> -m <path_fpn> -v8 for INT8 precision,
  • python <name_twn> -m <path_fpn> -vt for ternary weights.

Run evaluation with (all plots will be stored in plots directory):

python <name_fpn> <name_twn> <name_int8> -v

Other notebooks:

  • Verify inference by running the ssd-inference notebook,
  • Check ternary filters by running the show-filters notebook.



  • Change ssd-config.yml learning_rate and max_epochs.

To run training with regularizer, add -r flag:

  • python <name_fpn> -rv -s <path_to_net-config> -m <path_to_previous_iteration>

Uncomment target max_channels in and run:

  • python <name_fpn> -rv -s <path_to_net-config> This will produce a new net-config.yml file and overwrite the input model. You may want to make copies of your models before running the pruning procedure.

Inference tests

  • Convert model to ONNX with python <name> -v.
  • Measure Jet SSD inference time on CPUs GPUs with python <name> -b <batch_size> -v. Additinal flag --onnx for ONNX runtime and --trt for TensorRT. Without a flag, the tests will run for PyTorch.
  • To get the final inference plot, change the data in and run.


All plots will be saved in the plots folder unless otherwise specified in ssd-config.yml.

Pretrained Checkpoints