This respository contains the code for the fastfailover app which is a custom ONOS sevice. This code is a part of the M.Sc. thesis.
In order to fully use this repo, install all the dependencies in file. Service works for ONOS Drake, however it needs a bugfix.
After installation of ONOS 1.3 on your VM, you need to cheerypick commit 0be872498322e0e6c4aa2344b387ca053492ba33 and rebuild ONOS.
To install failover app, navigate to fastfailover-app\ and:
onos-app $OC1 reinstall! target/fastfailover-app-1.3.0.oar
You now have active failover application in your ONOS server. You can use mininet topologies form topologies\ to emulate network and run
python scripts\ to activate per-link BFD session
In order to run rest api on top of mininet, run
python &
This will let you write tests in single bash file.
Thesis was submitted at Technical University of Denmark, 2016 Author: Adrian Alan Pol Supervisors: Jose Soler and Cosmin Marius Caba