Bibtek is a home library management application, aiming to simplify user's reading list. Built with JavaFX with Maven, Bibtek is great for desktop use. Project files can be found in the /biktek/ folder.
User stories
Adding a new book (us-1)
- As a user I would like to add a new book to my library with relevant information like book title, date added and reading status
View all books in my library (us-2)
- As a user I would like to get an overview of all the books that have been added to my library
Deleting a book (us-3)
- As a user I would like to delete a book I don't want in my library
View individual books (us-4)
- As a user I would like to view each individual book by themself
View details about each book (us-5)
- As a user I would like to view details about my book, like author, date of publishing, edition, description, length and ISBN number
Personal profile with its own library available online (us-6)
- As a user I would like to have my own profile, which has my library of books online, such that I can have access to that library wherever I go
Log in to library (us-7)
- As a user I want to log in to my library
Make a user (us-8)
- As a user I want to create a user
Search for books to add to library (us-9)
- As a user I want to search for books, either with ISBN number or with manual details
Edit books in library (us-10)
- As a user I want to edit the books in my library
Log out off bibtek (us-11)
- As a user I want to log out when I'm finished with my tasks
The project utilizes maven for building and running.
Before running the app, it needs to be built.
Building is done with
mvn install
from the app's root folder /bibtek/(additionally
is used to skip surefire tests, checkstyle and spotbugs, and-DskipIntegrationTests
to skip failsafe integration tests) -
Running the app is done through the fxui module with the command
mvn javafx:run -f fxui
Running back-end is done through the restserver module with the command
mvn exec:java -f restserver