
Basic drop-in WKWevView-based view

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Basic drop-in WKWevView-based UIView. ABWebview contains a small UIProgressView which utilizes KVO to monitor WKWebView to update the progress of the page load as well as the page's title.


  1. Drag a UIView onto the storyboard, set the class to ABWebView in the Inspector.

  2. Control+Drag an IBOutlet onto the UIViewController.

     @IBOutlet var webView: ABWebView!
  3. To navigate to a page, feed webView an URL as a String, like so:

     webView.url = "https://www.cnn.com"

Be sure to add the appropriate entries in your info.plist file to allow http requests.


Swiping left goes back, swiping right goes forward.