
Basic Barcode Scanner Using Swift Vision Framework

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Basic Barcode Scanner Using Swift Vision Framework

Attached is a basic barcode scanner using Apple's Vision framework, derived from lucatorella's BarcodeLocalizer.

In experimenting with Vision, I've found it's a power hog, so you probably don't want to run it for an extended period of time.

To instantiate BarcodeScannner, you could call something like this from YourViewController.swift:

let scannerVC = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "BarcodeScanner") as! BarcodeScanner
scannerVC.delegate = self
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(scannerVC, animated: true)

When BarcodeScanner's finds a barcode, it sets detectedString: String, which fires a delegate method to pass the value to the delegate ViewController and dismiss the scannner...from there, do what you please.

In BarcodeScanner's setupVision method, you can configure the barcodes it will detect.

There is also a method that can turn on the iPhone's torch to illuminate dark barcodes. There's an IBOutlet on the VC that you should wire up to a storyboard if you're going to use that functionality.