
DOVE is the Distributed Osiris Vertex Edge database:

  • Distributed - because it runs seemlessly over a network od different nodes, each with different characteristics.

  • Osiris - Because we developed it!

  • Vertex / Edge - Beause it uses directed graph constructs under the covers.


This is very much in alpha development at present. It is only on github so we have a code store.

It is not working for any useful operation (apart from trashing a disk!)


You are advised NOT to use DOVE at this time. Don't play. Don't tray and be smart. It won't end well and there will be tears before bedtime. Trust me on this.

DOVE uses raw disk. It detects if it has formatted the disk yet, and if it hadn't it will write all over your disk. It expects to use the whole disk. So it can quite easily write all over your partition table.

Don't - please just don't - start DOVE with --disk /sda if that is where your OS is located. That will be the last you see of your operating system, disk, files, etc.

OSIRIS will take no responsibility if you ignore this warning. We won't be sorry, but we maj just laugh. Outloud.



The idea is that this will run in parallel over a large number of nodes. Data (vertices) are stored across the nodes according to a storage protocol. Eventually this will support fault tolerant shards, but not in this iteration.

Each node provides one disk for DOVE to work with. This is a raw disk with no file system on it. DOVE will take over the disk and handle all IO.

DOVE nodes are autonomous. There is no concept of a master node. They discover each other and work in harmony. The cluster can grow or shrink without loss of functionality.


DOVE is a RUST project. The TOML has all the dependencies in use. It can be built with cargo build.


DOVE is controlled by a configuration file. By default this called dove.toml. It is written in TOML format, which any Rust programmer will know only too well.

Command line parameters

Run DOVE with the --help to get the help text

$ cargo run -- --help
DOVE-DB 0.1.0
Adrian Challinor <>
Distributed Osiris Vertex Edge database

    dove [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -i, --init       Forces the disk to be initialized
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Sets the level of verbosity

    -c, --config <FILE>    The config file [default: dove.toml]
    -d, --disk <disk>      Name of a disk to manage

Note the -v flag. This can be used multiple time: 0. Warnings, Errors and Info messages

  1. Debug messages
  2. Trace messages
  3. Deeper trace it can get wordy!

This may change: it is planned to bump info to level 1, and all the others go up a level.


This is released under the GNU GPL3 license.


Adrian Challinor adrian dot challinor at osiris dot co dot uk