- 3
- 3
- 1
- 3
- 5
Headless serialization with customs property name
#105 opened by Metalaka - 1
I think I've found a memory leak issue in the AvroConvert.SerializeHeadless functions
#163 opened by LyttleG - 2
- 2
Add a Header
#145 opened by Cutlass76 - 4
- 3
- 3
Unable to Deserialize Avro file to dynamic
#147 opened by TurakKatase - 2
- 2
Deserializing from avro to json using Avro2Json only returns first row in list.
#152 opened by famattsson - 0
Schema generation doesn't handle generics
#159 opened by Robospecta - 4
Does this library implement the Json Encoding spec?
#156 opened by ridomin - 1
Attempt to deserialise incorrectly formatted stream causes stack overflow error
#151 opened by alex-ntk - 3
- 2
Serialize object/dynamic from type
#141 opened by WevertonFelipeFerreira - 1
Auto trim decimal exceeding max length
#149 opened by AdrianStrugala - 4
- 6
Support get only properties
#138 opened by Mitkee - 3
Convert json to GenericRecord
#121 opened by ssudhindrarao - 5
Headless deserialization to dynamic object
#107 opened by alexander-miglis - 7
Issues with Azure ADX
#118 opened by wdcossey - 2
Remove boxing allocations in Record writer
#135 opened by gmanvel - 2
Avro2Json different output
#126 opened by AlbertoMonteiro - 1
Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
#120 opened by Dayakar-Panga - 2
Add custom data converter support
#114 opened by apivkine - 2
Allow Decoder and Schema to be public
#116 opened by shargon - 3
Unable to determine acceptable data type
#102 opened by ValeriyRCG - 2
Unable to deserialize [sample] of schema [Record] to the target type [namespace.sample]
#90 opened by insighter1 - 5
Trouble getting this to work with BigQuery
#89 opened by halomakes - 0
Add support for ExpandoObject
#112 opened by AdrianStrugala - 2
- 1
How to serialize object into avro+json?
#104 opened by AdrianStrugala - 2
- 5
AvroConvert.Deserialize throws "Unable to deserialize [map] of schema [Map] to the target type"
#98 opened by ivanrvf - 0
Reduce external dependencies
#100 opened by AdrianStrugala - 6
- 8
Converting nullable record field fails
#97 opened by malthe - 3
Converting UInt32 value
#96 opened by malthe - 6
Error converting from Protobuf-generated class
#95 opened by malthe - 3
Add a non-generic deserialize headless method
#93 opened by Meyce - 3
Problem serializing/deserializing arrays
#92 opened by ombedko - 3
Error for mandatory fields
#87 opened by akguin - 1
Add issue template
#88 opened by AdrianStrugala - 1
Support DateOnly and TimeOnly types
#83 opened by AdrianStrugala - 3
- 3
- 2
Generate a schema with NO parameterless constructor
#75 opened by dav1d992