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Chinese number <-> Arabic number conversion

Thanks to

https://github.com/GoodERPJeff for precision issue report and fix.


NUMBERING_TYPES = ['low', 'mid', 'high']: Chinese numbering type.

low : '兆' = '亿' * 10 = $10^{9}$, '京' is $10^{10}$, etc.

mid : '兆' = '亿' * '万' = $10^{12}$, '京' is $10^{16}$, etc.

high : '兆' = '亿' * '亿' = $10^{16}$, '京' is $10^{32}$, etc.

number = '零一二三四五六七八九'
# 0-9

big_number_s = '零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖'
# capital, simpilified Chinese number

big_number_t = '零壹貳參肆伍陸柒捌玖'
# capital, traditional Chinese number

unit_s = '亿兆京垓秭穰沟涧正载'
# simpilified Chinese number units
# power of each unit depends on the counting type.

unit_t = '億兆京垓秭穰溝澗正載'
# traditional Chinese number units
# power of each unit depends on the counting type.

sunit_s = '十百千万'
# simpilified Chinese number units
# powers = [1, 2, 3, 4]

sunit_t = '拾佰仟萬'
# traditional Chinese number units
# powers = [1, 2, 3, 4]

zero_alt = '〇'
# alternative of 0

two_alts = ['两', '兩']
# alternatives of 2, can be used if it is not the last charactor

positive = ['正', '正']
# positive sign, [simplified, traditional]

negative = ['负', '負']
# negative sign, [simplified, traditional]

point = ['点', '點']
# point, [simplified, traditional]


cn2num(chinese_string, numbering_type=NUMBERING_TYPES[1])

chinese_string : input Chinese string, e.g. '十九'

numbering_type : Chinese numbering type.

low : '兆' = '亿' * 10 = $10^{9}$, '京' is $10^{10}$, etc.

mid : '兆' = '亿' * '万' = $10^{12}$, '京' is $10^{16}$, etc.

high : '兆' = '亿' * '亿' = $10^{16}$, '京' is $10^{32}$, etc.

num2cn(num, numbering_type=COUNTING_TYPES[1],
  big=False, traditional=False, alt_zero=False, alt_two=False,
  use_zeros=True )

num : int or float number, e.g. 10, -1.5 numbering_type : Chinese numbering type.

low : '兆' = '亿' * 10 = $10^{9}$, '京' is $10^{10}$, etc.

mid : '兆' = '亿' * '万' = $10^{12}$, '京' is $10^{16}$, etc.

high : '兆' = '亿' * '亿' = $10^{16}$, '京' is $10^{32}$, etc.

big : set to True to get capital Chinese numbers

traditional : set to True to get traditional Chinese numbers

alt_zero : set to True to use '〇' for 0

alt_two : set to True to use '两' or '兩' when possible

use_zeros : set to False to eliminate 0 when possible, e.g. 一千零五百 will be formated to 一千五百


print('num:', cn2num('十'))
print('num:', cn2num('一亿六点三'))
c = num2cn(33212222222, numbering_type = 'high', alt_two = True, big = True, traditional= True)


num: 10
num: 160000000.3
[Finished in 0.3s]