Project ft_printf


The ft_printf project at School 42 focuses on creating a function resembling the standard printf from the C library. This project delves into handling various format specifiers, parsing input, and producing formatted output.


🚨 Disclaimer: 🚨
I believe in transparency and growth. This project reflects my learning journey, and it might contain errors or mistakes. These imperfections are valuable, representing the learning process inherent in every project. Embracing these errors fuels progress and improvement. If you came here looking for my code capabilities, please consider the whole picture.

Importance of Authentic Learning

📚 Authentic Learning: 📚
At its core, School 42 encourages a culture of authentic learning. Understanding concepts, problem-solving, and honing coding skills take precedence over flawless execution alone. Copying or cheating undermines the essence of this learning experience, impeding personal growth and skill development. For fellow 42 students: discussing concepts with peers enriches learning far more than directly referring to code. If seeking advice: test thoroughly, implement a test driven development for this project if you are doing the bonuses.

What is School 42?

🏫 About School 42: 🏫
School 42 operates under a peer-to-peer learning system, emphasising practical learning through hands-on projects. ft_printf challenges students to create a versatile printf-like function capable of handling various format specifiers and producing formatted output.

Insights from the Project

🧠 What future-me thinks he learned coding ft_printf: 🧠
I started working on this project short after coding a unit-test lib as part of a rush project (ft_libunit). I chose to implement a test driven development organisation and it took me quite a while. I also decided to go for the bonuses or ft_printf because they have the reputation to be way harder than the mandatory project. I was not disappointed. This project served as an immersive learning experience, enhancing my understanding of string manipulation, data conversion, and the intricacies of format specifiers in C programming. Organising the code was tidious and the resulting code shows this. As stated above, it is part of the learning process and I am (mostly) not shy to show what my code looked like back then.