
Plot the ISS is based on NASA's spot the station. It gathers information form sites to find the ISS' location at that time and plot it on a map.

Primary LanguagePython

Plot the ISS

Welcome to Plot the ISS, a Python program that allows you to track the current location of the International Space Station (ISS) and visualize it on a map.

Table of Contents


Plot the ISS is a Python program that interacts with APIs to retrieve the ISS's current location and display it on a map. You can choose between two main options: "Where is the ISS?" and "Verify the location". Additionally, there's an option to exit the program.


  • Fetch the real-time latitude and longitude of the ISS.
  • View the ISS's current location on OpenStreetMap.
  • Verify the ISS's location using NASA's tracking map.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Make sure you have Python installed (Python 3 recommended).
  3. Install the required dependencies (see Dependencies).
  4. Run the program by executing the script: python plot_iss.py.


  1. Run the program using the instructions provided in Getting Started.
  2. Choose one of the available options from the menu:
    • 1. Where is the ISS?: Fetches the ISS's current latitude and longitude, then opens OpenStreetMap to display its location.
    • 2. Verify the location: Opens NASA's tracking map for the ISS.
    • 3. Exit: Terminate the program.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to navigate through the options.


  • Python 3.x
  • webbrowser (Python Standard Library)
  • json (Python Standard Library)
  • urllib.request (Python Standard Library)


This project is licensed under the MIT License.