Changes theme accents based on current NeoVim mode.
Currently works for the following modes:
- Normal
- Insert
- Visual
Set the color for each mode to match your theme in settings.json (see below)
Also see the Blog Article
You will need the NeoVim VScode extension installed for this to work - Neovim Extension - follow full setup before continuing
You can change the colors to match the theme you use:
"nvim-ui.nvimColorNormal": "#ffc600",
"nvim-ui.nvimColorInsert": "#D32F2F",
"nvim-ui.nvimColorVisual": "#673AB7",
"nvim-ui.nvimColorReplace": "#000"
By default the extension only changes the color of cursor. To change the color of other elements, add it's name to workbench.nvimColorCustomizationKeys in setings.json.
For example, if you would like the active tab highlight and cursor to change color, enter the following in settings.json:
"nvim-ui.nvimColorCustomizationKeys": ["tab.activeBorder", "editorCursor.foreground"],
Here the elements that can be updated via this plugin:
activityBarBadge.background editorCursor.foreground inputValidation.errorBorder panel.border panelTitle.activeBorder panelTitle.activeForeground peekView.border peekViewTitleLabel.foreground tab.activeBorder statusBar.border
This will need adding to you init.vim or init.lua, it tells neovim to send a command to vscode changing the color in a hacky way
Make sure to restart VSCode after adding
function! SetCursorLineNrColorInsert(mode)
" Insert mode: blue
if a:mode == "i"
call VSCodeNotify('nvim-theme.insert')
" Replace mode: red
elseif a:mode == "r"
call VSCodeNotify('nvim-theme.replace')
augroup CursorLineNrColorSwap
autocmd ModeChanged *:[vV\x16]* call VSCodeNotify('nvim-theme.visual')
autocmd ModeChanged *:[R]* call VSCodeNotify('nvim-theme.replace')
autocmd InsertEnter * call SetCursorLineNrColorInsert(v:insertmode)
autocmd InsertLeave * call VSCodeNotify('nvim-theme.normal')
autocmd CursorHold * call VSCodeNotify('nvim-theme.normal')
augroup END
]], false)
function! SetCursorLineNrColorInsert(mode)
" Insert mode: blue
if a:mode == "i"
call VSCodeNotify('nvim-theme.insert')
" Replace mode: red
elseif a:mode == "r"
call VSCodeNotify('nvim-theme.replace')
augroup CursorLineNrColorSwap
autocmd ModeChanged *:[vV\x16]* call VSCodeNotify('nvim-theme.visual')
autocmd ModeChanged *:[R]* call VSCodeNotify('nvim-theme.replace')
autocmd InsertEnter * call SetCursorLineNrColorInsert(v:insertmode)
autocmd InsertLeave * call VSCodeNotify('nvim-theme.normal')
autocmd CursorHold * call VSCodeNotify('nvim-theme.normal')
augroup END
** WARNING: The plugin will add / override any keys that are passed in for customization in settings.json. If uninstalling the extension you will need to remove these from your settings.json
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {