Puppeteer examples
Puppeteer Headless Chrome examples for real life use cases. Clone this repo and run them directy with a simple node
git clone https://github.com/checkly/puppeteer-examples
cd puppeteer-examples
npm i
node 2.\ search/amazon.js
You can run these scripts in the try puppeteer playground.
1. basics
The very basic on getting useful info from web page. Highlights the basic Puppeteer functions.
Create an alert dialog and close it again.
emulate devices
Use the built in devices descriptors to emulate an Iphone 6. These are actually shortcuts for calling page.setUserAgent() and page.setViewPort().
get list of links
Scrapes Hacker News for links on the home page and returns the top 10
1. basics/get_list_of_links.js
get text value of an element
Gets the text value of an element by using the page.$eval method
get title
Get the title of a page and print it to the console.
The hover function is a combination of scrolling and putting the mouse into a hover state over the requested element. This example hovers the first track we find on the soundcloud.com homepage, which should trigger the play and like buttons to be visible
types into a text editor
Most of the things you can click using straight .click() handlers, but for some situation directly instructing the mouse might be convenient. This example load a page that plays back what mouse actions are used on the page.
Renders a PDF of the Puppeteer API spec. This is a pretty long page and will generate a nice, A4 size multi-page PDF.
Create a PDF from static HTML
Snaps a basic screenshot of the full New York Time homepage and saves it a .png file.
screenshots clipped
Grabs and clips out just the stock tickers on the Yahoo finance page
1. basics/screenshots_clipped.js
set cookie
Sets the "login_email" property in a Paypal cookie so the login screen is pre-filled with an email address.
2. search
Common search input and select methods on search results.
Amazon search
Looks for a "nyan cat pullover" on amazon.com, goes two page two clicks the third one.
Booking.com search
Finds accommodations in Berlin on Booking.com, takes a screenshot and logs the top 10.
Youtube search
Looks for Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams" video on youtube.com and clicks on the third video. Waits for 5 seconds for the video to load.
3. login
Common login scenarios on popular website. Credentials mostly supplied with setting ENV
Logs into Github. Provide your username and password as environment variables when running the script, i.e: GITHUB_USER=myuser GITHUB_PWD=mypassword node github.js
Google Social Login
Logs into Checkly using Google social Login. Provide your username and password as environment variables when running the script, i.e: GOOGLE_USER=myuser GOOGLE_PWD=mypassword node github.js
Logs into Twitter. Provide your username and password as environment variables when running the script, i.e: TWITTER_USER=myuser TWITTER_PWD=mypassword node twitter.js
4. shopping-carts
How to handle shopping cart functions like adding and removing items.
Staples shopping cart
Goes to the face paint category and adds to the shopping cart.
Walmart shopping cart
Looks for a Nintendo's Mario Odyssey and adds it to the shopping cart.
5. parallel-pages
How to handle Allow parallel processing pages.
Screenshots parallel pages
Allow parallel processing screenshot
5. parallel-pages/screenshots_parallel.js
Screenshots parallel pages in batches
parallel screenshotting of an array of Websites with small example
5. parallel-pages/screenshots_parallel_cologne_colleges.js
A. mocha-tests
Alibaba product search
Searches Alibaba.com for a product and checks if the results show up
Amazon product search
Searches Amazon.com for a product and checks if the results show up
Goes to codesandbox.io, creates a new sandbox and selects the Vue.js template
Duck Duck Go search
Goes to duckduckgo.com, searches for "chrome puppeteer", asserts the result and snaps a screenshots
a. mocha-tests/duck_duck_go.js
Etsy shopping cart
Goes to etsy.com, select the first knick knack and adds it to the shopping cart.
Gmail signup
Checks the signup flow from the landing page. Clicks the
Google search
Searches Google.com for a term and checks if the first link matches. This check should fail.
Staples shopping cart
Goes to staples.com and adds a some facepaint to an empty shopping cart. Validates the correct amount.
Walmart shopping cart
Goes to walmart.com and adds a Nintendo game to an empty shopping cart. Validates the correct amount.
B. jest-tests
Alibaba product search
Searches Alibaba.com for a product and checks if the results show up
Amazon product search
Searches Amazon.com for a product and checks if the results show up
Goes to codesandbox.io, creates a new sandbox and selects the Vue.js template
b. jest-tests/codesandbox.spec.js
Etsy shopping cart
Goes to etsy.com, select the first knick knack and adds it to the shopping cart.
Google search
Searches Google.com for a term and checks if the first link matches. This check should fail.
Walmart shopping cart
Goes to walmart.com and adds a Nintendo game to an empty shopping cart. Validates the correct amount.