
A simply configurable server for executing scripts on gitlab events

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This small node.js server allow to execute commands on a machine (deployment scripts for example) when a GitLab webhook is triggered (push, issue events, etc..).

The server use a basic configuration file which defines which command should be executed on specific event of a specific repository. The setup time is around 15 minutes.


Node.js (v6 or greater)


  • Download the content of the current repository
  • Execute the following command in the downloaded folder : npm install
  • Create the file "config.json" and fill it with your configuration (see the server configuration part below)
  • If needed, open the port set in the configuration in your firewall in order to allow http request on the server
  • Execute the following command in the downloaded folder : node server.js (you can also use a process manager like pm2)
  • Add the URL of the current server in your gitlab configuration (see the gitlab configuration part below)

Server configuration

Example of a configuration file :

  "port": 9000,
  "hooks": [
      "repository": "my-gitlab-repository",
      "event": "push",
      "token": "my-gitlab-token",
      "script": "sh /home/user/deploy.sh"
  • port: The port on which the server is gonna be started
  • hooks: List of hooks that you want to bind
    • repository: Name of the repository on which the script must be bound (optional. if null, the script will be executed on events of all repositories.
    • event: Name of the event on which the script will be executed (see the possible values on the gitlab documentation) (optional. if null, the script will be executed on all events)
    • token: The gitlab token define in the gitlab configuration (see gitlab configuration part below) (optional)
    • script: The command to execute when the hook is triggered

GitLab Configuration

  • Open the repository that you want to bind in the gitlab website
  • Go to "Settings", and then "Integrations"
  • In the URL field, type the address of the hook server : http://<server-name>:<port>/event
  • Set a token if needed
  • Select the event that you want to trigger
  • Click on "Add webhook"
  • Once the operation done, click on the "Test" button to check if the binding is working