
A C++ / SDL isometric rendering engine

Primary LanguageC++

Free IsoEngine by Adrien Jaguenet.

A free (as in freedom) isometric rendering engine, currently working with 2D maps.

Required dependencies:

-New universal sprite system - done
  -Features animated sprites - almost done

TODO - most of them will be done much later:
-Support other types of isometric maps:
  -This includes screen/map interacting
  -Hexagonal maps
  -Square maps (currently works with diamond maps)
  -Infinite maps (as in Minecraft and similars, with a chunks system)
  -Map projections
    -Make the map act as if projected from a cylinder or a torus
-Support coast-like tiles with one-file system (like animations)
  -This includes every transition between tiles
-Rewrite elements systems to work (more) efficiently
-Map saving on files