requirement versions :
- nodejs : v 6.10.0 (lts)
- npm : v 4.4.1
Do this only once
cd server
npm install
node fillDb.js
configuration can be found in config.json
Then everytime you want to launch the server
node .
you can now open you navigator to (if you didn't change the port in config.json)
- Bootstrap
- Jquery
- D3js : used to view the results of the election with a bar chart
- Leaflet : map
- awesome-markers : custom markers with ionicons
- leaflet-choropleth : for the density map
- leaflet-groupedlayercontrol : used in election to change overlay
- Nodejs
- csv-parse : csv parser
- express : web framework
- body-parser : used to parse the body of a post request
- geojson-area : calculate the area in m² of a geoJson polygon
- sqlite3 : sqLite database
The data used come from
- Houseaux laurie
- Jarretier Adrien