• WinUAC_Killer: It disables windows defender.
• Win-Netcat-Rverseshell: It gives you a reverse shell on target system NOTE: Edit script to desire ip addr and por
• Win_speaks: Makes your computer say stuff
• WinpayloadExcuter: Dowloads payload from your webserver and executes it NOTE: Edit the url to your desire place
• FakeUpdateWin11: Opens a fake windows 11 update in fullscreen mode
• Linux-Deb-ReverseShell: Execute a revershell on debian based linux machines
• DuckHunter_HID: https://www.kali.org/docs/nethunter/nethunter-duckhunter/
• Idea: https://github.com/Adrilaw/Digispark_DuckyScript
Adrilaw @ GitHub
Kidpentester @ xda-developers
DuckHunter_HID_Script is licensed under the MIT License to promote open collaboration and innovation in the realm of HID security testing.
I'm not responsible for the misuse of the following script be ethical.