This template should help get you started developing the final project running on Vue 3 with the composition API, Pinia as a state management tool, vue router, vite and lastly Supabase running on the backend.
This is meant as an advanced starter ready to plug in your supabase variables and run directly on a local server already connected to your Supabase instance.
You are given some functions to see how the supabase ecosystem works with Vue and more specifically, pinia as a state management tool.
You can add any CSS framework of your liking like tailwindCSS, Bootstrap, MaterialUI or many of the cool libaries that exist in the web.
This app is not setUp to be deployed to a production environment like vercel or netlify.
Friday on August 19 we will look at how can we deploy this app to Vercels ecosystem.
npm install
Once you have added your environment variables, head to your .gitIgnore file located at the root folder and uncomment the .env file naming to avoid sharing any private access keys to your database
npm run dev
npm run build
Fixed styles and added tailwind, styling and responsiveness will be easier. thought about the palette too. It may change a bit, but already got the basics colors.
Now it is time to focus on Log in the app. Sign in and Sign up components plus its js and logic
Sign in & sign up components done with basics styles which will change in a near future.
Created a modal window to create a new task. fetched and displayed tasks from supabase. tasks are displayed instantly after created.
implemented edit function with its styles. Now we have de U of C.R.U.D. still looking for the D =/. implemented delete function. now I can say that we have the all the letters of C.R.U.D.
We got the C.R.U.D so we started new challenges. Actually I started new challenge and just right before accomplishing it I Started a new challenge and so on.. So there is a search bar almost done, there is a profile section almost done, there is the implementation of dark and light Theme almost done BUT there is the archived tasks component done I think that was better than the others that the reason why this one is finished And the other will be finished... Or not.. Who knows. Ah, BTW I just fixed a bug from the mobile... You know... I've got neither autocomoplete Nor ease. Try to code from the phone and then you tell me.
Next stop? The sky! I mean... The challenges I dropped out.
Time to hunt! Time to look over the code and haunt down all those bugs. Do you know where are they hiding? cause I don't...
This leap of time is also known as a long period without commiting... (sorry funny names wasn't coming to my mind -.-)
After long time working on Procastinan't and not updating the Readme I must say that there has been a lot of troubles I tried to implement a lot of features I told I would but everything started to shater, explode, go bananas and frying eggs. And now, after a long time, I can say that all those bugs were fixed. almost the ones I realized they existed.