
School Management System, that will help manage students, teachers and courses with some basic functionalities.

Navigate through the menu and write the numbers or the name of the command to execute whatever command you want. If you forgot an ID, no worries, you can cancel the command by typing "cancel" or "c". If humans doesn't worry about CAPS or lower case... why should our app do it? It is not case sensitive so don't worry if you let you caps lock on we got you.

in case of spoiler... here you've got the menu.

1 - Enroll - Student ID and Course ID REQUIRED - (This command will help enroll the student specified in the corresponding course).
2 - Assign - Teacher ID and Course ID REQUIRED - (This command will help assign the teacher specified to the corresponding course).
3 - Show courses - (This command will display a list of all courses).
4 - Lookup course - Course ID and REQUIRED - (This command will display the full details of the specified course).
5 - Show students - (This command will display a list of all students).
6 - Lookup student - Student ID REQUIRED - (This command will display the full details of the specified student).
7 - Show teachers - (This command will display a list of all teachers).
8 - Lookup teacher - Teacher ID REQUIRED - (This command will display the full details of the specified teacher).
9 - Show profit - This command will calculate and return the profit of all courses.
10 - Exit - This command will close the program.

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