
application d'archivage de données issue de Mediboard

Primary LanguageCSS


Ce projet a été realiser par des étudants de l' Université de La Rochelle pour répondre à une demande de OpenXtrem

Getting Started

Apache 2.4 configuration

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/OX-Archive/web"
    DirectoryIndex index.php
    ServerName ox-archive

    Alias /web/ /var/www/html/OX-Archive/web/
    <Directory "/var/www/html/OX-Archive/web">
        AllowOverride All
        FallbackResource /web/index.php

In /etc/hosts define a dns for your website, i.e ox-archive in this case


  • Apache
  • php
  • sqlite
  • elasticsearsh


clone or download then use composer install create the archives directory where you want to put it. config the application in app.php and extra config in the config directory create database structure and store some users for test purpose

git clone git@github.com:AdriwanKenoby/OX-Archive.git
cd OX-Archive
composer install
sqlite3 app/app.db < db/structure.sql
sqlite3 app/app.db < db/content.sql

sea the content of content.sql to find credentials

you can generate FHIR classes but it is not use for instance in the project

php bin/console archive:fhir:generate-classes

Correct a bug in vendor/phpoffice/phpword/PhpWord/Shared/Html.php in order to use HtmlParser


Running the tests

Not implemented yet

Break down into end to end tests

Not implemented yet


You have to install content of mediboard_side directory on a module, see

  • Medibaord - for more info
  • You can fully configure environnement in app.php
  • create directory archive, configure it in app.php
mkdir archives
## replcace HTTPD_USER by www-data on debian
setfacl -R -m u:user:rwX -m u:HTTPD_USER:rwX archives
setfacl -dR -m u:user:rwX -m u:HTTPD_USER:rwX archives

Built With

  • Silex - The web framework used
  • Composer - Dependency Management


  • Véteau Adrien - Initial work - AdriwanKenoby
  • Romain Badens - Initial work - FrOOmiX
  • Steven Dechaume - Initial work
  • Mahmoud Mjahed - Initial work


  • @copyright 2015 Christophe Demko christophe.demko@univ-lr.fr
  • @license The Engine kernel use to parse document in elasticsearch is licensed under the CeCILL-B_V1 License - see the CeCILL-B_V1 file for details