
Symfony Bundle: Associate your users to webpush subscriptions.

Primary LanguagePHP

Webpush Bundle

This bundle leverages minishlink/web-push library to associate your Symfony users with Webpush subscriptions.

This way you can integrate push messages into your app to send notifications.

We assume you have a minimum knowledge of how Push Notifications work, otherwise we highly recommend you to read Matt Gaunt's Web Push Book.

Use cases

  • You have a todolist app - notify users they're assigned a task
  • You have an eCommerce app:
    • Notify your customer their order has been shipped
    • Notify your category manager they sell a product


  1. Installation
  2. The UserSubscription entity
  3. The UserSubscription manager
  4. Configure the bundle
  5. Enjoy!
  6. F.A.Q.

Getting started

Because there can be different User implementations, and that some front-end is implied, there are several steps to follow to get started:

  1. Install the bundle and its assets
  2. Create your own UserSubscription class and its associated manager
  3. Update your config.yml and routing.yml
  4. Insert a JS snippet in your twig views.

Let's go!

Composer is your friend:

PHP7.1+ is required.

composer require bentools/webpush-bundle 0.3.*

We aren't on stable version yet - expect some changes.

Add the bundle to your kernel:

# app/AppKernel.php

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
            // ...
            new BenTools\WebPushBundle\WebPushBundle(),

        return $bundles;

Install assets:

php bin/console assets:install --symlink

We provide a service worker and a JS client.

Generate your VAPID keys:

php bin/console webpush:generate:keys

Next: Create your UserSubscription class


We mostly need functionnal tests. Contributions are very welcome!
