
Yet another multi-channel companion bot.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Though the program has been tested for some time, I do not expect it to be 100% reliable at all times (especially at the early stages of development).

In case of problems, or if you have questions, suggestions and/or feedback, you have several ways to contact me.

Tracking the progress in Trello

Short summary

Twitch multi-channel companion bot is intended to be used as a support to other available bots with limited functionality. At the current state, grabs data from Tetr.io API and Twitch API.

Can I use it?

Yes, you can use it, but use it responsibly. You will need some JavaScript knowledge if you want to create your own commands. Author crediting is appreciated, of course.

How can I use it?

Running a bot without needing to do anything

Asking me through available sources (mentioned above)

I'm currently running a server-side multi-channel version of this bot.

Pros: - No need to create a new bot profile - Bot is working almost 24/7, depending on the server uptime - No need to create a new process on your computer and use your own CPU power

Cons: - "Bot controller" role is assigned to me - Commands can be added only through me and making a new version, and to make it in, you need to have a strong justification - The server still may shut down the process (though it won't be my fault) - In case of unexpected restart, channel information may be reset (will work on it, just keep that in mind and don't hesitate to ask me)

Server-side version is shut down indefinitely. Though, there's nothing stopping you from doing hosting that on your server!

Running a bot on your computer from source code

  1. Create a Twitch profile dedicated to your bot.
  2. Get your bot's OAuth code
  3. Create the fork and clone it or download this code.
  4. Insert your bots name and OAuth code in Code/credentials.js
module.exports = {
    username : '', //Bot name here  
    password : '', //Bot OAuth here
    auth: '',
    client_id: '',
    discord: '',
    discordRoom: '',
    tetrio: '',
    tetriosession: ''

Note, that discord is used to operate a bot on the Discord server in discordRoom room (to send replays) and tetrio - to download replays. If you don't intend on playing "Guess TR", you can leave them empty auth and client_id are only responsible for Twitch API commands (!randomstream), if you don't have them - no problem, just leave them empty. tetriosession is used to save resources on Osk's side by caching results. If you don't intend on starting the bot every hour or so (bot updates leaderboard every hour anyway), it's ok to leave it empty, otherwise honour caching

  1. Open Code/users.txt and change the "name" to your channel name.

  2. Download Node.js from the official website. (versions from 10.* should work fine)

  3. Install necessary libraries:

    npm install fs
    npm install tmi.js
    npm install node-fetch 
  1. Insert the code into Node.js folder
  2. Run LaunchBot.bat

Running a bot on your computer from release file

  1. Make a bot profile
  2. Get its OAuth https://twitchapps.com/tmi/ (OAuth of a bot profile, not yours)
  3. Create the fork and clone it or download this code.
  4. Insert your bots name and OAuth code in Code/credentials.js
module.exports = {
    username : '', //Bot name here  
    password : '',//Bot OAuth here
    auth: '',
    client_id: '',
    discord: '',
    discordRoom: '',
    tetrio: '',
    tetriosession: ''

Note, that discord is used to operate a bot on the Discord server in discordRoom room (to send replays) and tetrio - to download replays. If you don't intend on playing "Guess TR", you can leave them empty auth and client_id are only responsible for Twitch API commands (!randomstream), if you don't have them - no problem, just leave them empty. tetriosession is used to save resources on Osk's side by caching results. If you don't intend on starting the bot every hour or so (bot updates leaderboard every hour anyway), it's ok to leave it empty, otherwise honour caching

  1. Open Code/users.txt and change the "name" to your channel name.

  2. Run LaunchBot.bat

Commands overview

As of version 1.0, commands are divided into 5 layers of accessibility:

  1. Bot controller
  2. Owner (though in this case - owner = bot controller)
  3. Moderator
  4. User
  5. Restricted user

Users of an access group can use all the commands of lower groups. For example, moderators as group 3, can also use the commands from groups 4-5.

Restricted user

Though, these users aren't really restricted from chatting, at the current state, they do NOT have access to bot commands.


!nextrank [name] - shows how many points are needed to reach next Tetr.io rank - 5-second cooldown

!stats [name] - shows Tetra League stats of a certain player (rank, TR, PPS, APM, VS) - 5 second cooldown

!records [name] - shows 40L sprint and Blitz records of a certain player - 10 second cooldown (NOTE: The bot WILL be muted if it's not a moderator and there's link moderation by AutoMod or other known bots)

!requirements [blank, all or certain rank] - shows TR requirement to achieve corresponding rank or ranks - 30 second cooldown

!credits - speaks for itself - 100 second cooldown (NOTE: The bot MAY be muted if it's not a moderator and there's link moderation by other known bots)

!bot, !info, !botinfo or !commands - shows information about the bot and commands - 30 second cooldown (NOTE: The bot WILL be muted if it's not a moderator and there's link moderation by AutoMod or other known bots)


!start - starts the bot

!stop - stops the bot

!ban - bans a user from using the bot

!unban - lifts a ban from user

!currentnextrank [name] - same, as !nextrank, but in real time (use only if necessary), 30 second cooldown

!cd [empty or time in seconds] - creates or recreates the countdown, if empty - stops the countdown, if it was active


!addmod [name] - adds a bot moderator

!removemod [name] - removes user from bot moderators

!setbotname [name] - sets bot's name (not the Twitch name though)

!randomstream - if auth and channel_id provided, gives random Tetr.io streamer

Bot controller

!refresh (multi-channel only) - calls FetchLeaderboard function which updates the leaderboard and the rank requirements

!addchannel [name] (multi-channel only) - adds the bot to the channel

!removechannel [name] (multi-channel only) - removes the bot from the channel

Guess TR (big shoutout to Manabender and NicoNekoru for their guessing bot, half of commands are ported from there)

!gtr [empty or number of rounds] (owner) - starts the game of "Guessing TR", allowing for users (viewers), to use !join command for limited amount of time, from this moment, everything, except for ending the game (!end) and recovering the scores (!recover) is intended to be fully automated. If number of rounds provided, the game will stop afterwards.

!join (user) - Adding the name to players list, where to get the replays from. (Excuse my English) Note, that every non-restricted viewer can guess, even if they didn't use !join command. You can also add more than one player!

!getreplay [empty or random] (automatic) - Called automatically after the join period is over. Firstly, checks if the player list is large enough to be used. Otherwise, random replays will be chosen. Then grabs a replay from Tetr.io's database and sends to Discord (Note, that you need to have a custom Discord bot, for it to be used, otherwise you need to ask me to add the bot in your Discord, or use my Discord to get prepared replays)

!open (automatic) - Called automatically, after replay was chosen. Starts the timer when the viewers can type their guesses

!guess [number, number] (user-level) - takes the guess from user which includes TR points for both players (example: !guess 22474 23212), accessible for a limited amount of time, when !open is active) Note: you can guess multiple times, last one matters!

!score (user-level) - shows your current score (or a batch of scores, if multiple viewers called this command as well)

!unguess (user-level) - takes your guess away (Probably redundant and may be deleted later)

!outcome (automatic) - outputs the players and their TR, after the !open timer runs out. If the viewer guessed close enough to award points, that also happens here.

!leaders (user-level) - shows current score of 5 best players, 15 second cooldown

!end (owner) - ends the game, shows 5 leaders (!recover can still be used here)

!recover (owner) - retrieves scores of players in case of ending the game prematurely. Note, that if !gtr was called after the game ended - scores will be lost

More details:

  1. Default settings:

    At least, 10 players need to be in list for it to be used in game (if less, random replays will be taken)

    Points are awarded by 3 TR zones: 1 5 points, if the guess is 25 TR points away from actual rating or less. 2 2 points, if the guess is 100 TR away or less, but more than 25 TR away. 3 1 point, if the guess is 250 TR away or less, but more than 100 TR away.

    After typing !gtr, viewers have 5 minutes to use !join command. Intermission between rounds lasts for 30 seconds. Round length is calculated as (replay time + 80 seconds). If the sum exceeds 4 minutes, the round will last for 4 minutes.

  2. Surprise rounds:

    There are 3 different kinds of surprise rounds: 1 Double range: every point range doubles! (+-50 TR for 5 points, +-200 TR for 2 points, +-500 TR for 1 point), 10% chance of appearing. 2 Double points: correct guess gives you double the points! (+-25 TR for 10 points, +-100 TR for 4 points, +-200 TR for 2 points), 10% chance of appearing. 3 Armageddon: Think and type FAST, round lasts for 10 seconds! 1% chance of appearing.

    Modificators can stack, so, with 0.01% probability, you may have Armageddon round with double range and double points.


If channel chat is set to follower-only, your bot needs to follow your channel (unless you use your own profile as a bot, which isn't recommended, though possible) or make it a moderator

If channel is sub-only, the only choice is to make the bot a moderator, unless you want to spend 5 dollars for no reason.

In certain cases, bot may produce two messages with the same content in the span of 30 seconds. Twitch will block the second message. If you need it to be shown both times you have to make the bot a moderator too.

Should be obvious, but banning the bot from the Twitch chat makes it unable to function (Same result can be achieved by stopping the bot, using !stop command)

Ideas for v1.2

  1. Grabbing statistics from Jstris API (local and multi-channel)
  2. Actual check for having appropriate credentials for Twitch bot, Discord bot, Tetr.io and Twitch search.