
subroutines-venkatesh-iitm created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT

CS6620: Advanced Computer Organization and Architecture with Lab

Lab Assignment-6

Subroutines (Submission Deadline:27/11/19)

Part 1

Write an assembly program for searching a given integer number in an array of integer numbers. Assume that the numbers in the array are not in sorted order. The program must ask the user to enter the number of elements of the array and accept each element of the array through keyboard (for this, you need to use software interrupts). Also, the user must enter the element to be searched through keyboard. You must pass the array and the searching element as parameters to a subroutine, SEARCH. The program outputs the position of the given element, if it is present in the array, otherwise, it outputs -1.

For example:

Input: A 43,25,100,10,9
Search Element: N 10
Output: 4
Search Element: N 26
Output: -1

Part 2

In the above problem, as the elements of the array are not in sorted order, we have to search all the elements to find whether a given element is present or not. Now, assume that the elements of the array are in sorted order. Write an assembly language program that can efficiently search a given element in the sorted array of elements. (Note that here we define the efficiency in terms of the number of searches. )

Part 3

Fibonacci number sequence is defined as 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ... A number in the Fibonacci sequence is the sum of the immediate two previous numbers, i.e., Fn = F{n-1}+F{n-2}, n>2. Note that F1 = F2 = 1. Write an assembly language program that accepts an integer number, N, through keyboard and computes the Nth Fibonacci number in recursive way.

For example:

Input: N 10
Output: F_N 55

Add necessary comments to your program for easy readability. Add Directed Screenshots for the respective outputs.

no starter code will be provided