
Primary LanguageJavaScript

✨ University Portal - Online Learning System ✨

Table of Contents
  1. Motivation
  2. Build Status
  3. Code Style
  4. Screenshots
  5. Framework Used
  6. Features
  7. Code Examples
  8. Installations
  9. Api Reference
  10. Tests
  11. How to use?
  12. Contribute
  13. License


The theme of the project, is to create an online learning system platform where you can sign up as an individual trainee or enter as corporate trainee based on your company , where you can register to a wide variety of courses in different fields taught by instructors with option of taking exams and in the end take your certificate , also the instructor can add any new course and all its material and the money will be transfered to his wallet according to the policy and contract agreed on. Similat to websites (Coursera , Udemy and Udacity)


University Portal is a university project for CSEN704 - Advanced Computer Lab course at the GUC, the main purpose of the project was to build a complete online learning platform system, where users of the web application can search for course, register and attend courses. Moreover, you can use the web application as an instructor to teach courses.

Build Status

  • Currently University Portal is a Minimum Value Product (MVP), which can be used by customers and let us observe how they interact with the system.

  • Currently in development, there are no known bugs/errors in the system, but if you find any pull requests are more than welcomed.

Code Style

  • Our Code style is standard


1️. Home Page Screen Shot 2023-01-03 at 3 25 47 AM

  1. Sign up Page

Screen Shot 2023-01-03 at 12 13 54 PM

  1. Login Page

Screen Shot 2023-01-03 at 3 25 58 AM

  1. Payment method

Screen Shot 2023-01-03 at 12 45 24 PM

  1. User Home Page

Screen Shot 2023-01-03 at 12 49 06 PM

  1. Admin Home Page

Screen Shot 2023-01-03 at 12 50 49 PM

Framework Used

This web application was build with MERN stack:

  • MongoDB as our NoSQL database
  • ExpressJS as our NodeJS wrapper
  • ReactJS for our view library
  • NodeJS for server-side JS runtime enviroment

Additional libraries used:

  • React-BootStrap - a utility based CSS library
  • BootStrap- a utility based CSS library
  • Mui - a utility based CSS library
  • Ant Design - a utility based CSS library
  • Axios - promise-based http client
  • Stripe - payment gateway
  • jsonwebtoken
  • bcryptjs
  • mongoose - Object Document Mapper (ODM) of choice


  • Visually appealing UI that helps the user enjoy his time browsing the website
  • UX designed to guide the user smoothly and efficiently throughout the website with recovery from error, reversibility and learnability
  • Responsive design which gives the user feedback about what is currently happening in the website

Code Examples

  • We use the MRC pattern(Module-Router-Controller)
  1. Courses schema courses.model

Screen Shot 2023-01-06 at 8 00 48 PM

Screen Shot 2023-01-06 at 8 01 13 PM

2.Create Course courses.controller Screen Shot 2023-01-06 at 8 04 42 PM

3.Routes used in courses.routes

  `router.post('/createcourses/:id', coursesCtrl.createCourses)`


  1. Get a free API Key at https://localhost7007.com
  2. Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/Advanced-Computer-Lab-2022/Acl.git
  • Make sure you have NodeJS installed on your machine

    You can check by running

       node -v

    in your terminal to make sure NodeJS is setup correctly

  • Make sure to include .env file in your directories

How to run the frontend:

  1. In your terminal navigate to

  2. Install npm by running

     npm install
  3. Install required packages by running

     npm install
  4. Spin up the development server using

      npm start

    open your browser at http://localhost:3000

How to run the backend:

  1. In your terminal navigate to

  2. Install nodemon by running

     npm i -g nodemon
  3. Install required packages by running

     npm install
  4. Spin up the development backend using

      npx nodemon@latest app.js

    It will run on http://localhost:8080

Environment variable

You need to add those variables to .env file






API Reference

  1. Sign up

POST \signUp

Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token is added.
Body Type Description
username String Required. username of IndividualTrainee
password String Required. password of IndividualTrainee
email String Required. email of IndividualTrainee
firstName String Required. first name of IndividualTrainee
lastName String Required. last name of IndividualTrainee


` {

    "auth": true,
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYzYjcwMWE0YzZjMDg2ODllM2RkOTM3MSIsImlhdCI6MTY3MjkzNzg5MiwiZXhwIjoxNjczMTk3MDkyfQ.yY5g_1_Vj-JA0PRNJcSkfft9h701JPJ8QorCoeD5Y8U",
    "result": {
  1. Login

POST \login

Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token is added.
Body Type Description
username String Required. username of user
password String Required. password of user


` {

  "auth": true,
  "result": {
      "_id": "63b334b5ff19a5e63f57da19",
      "username": "hello",
      "password": "$2b$10$tUIvGiUZyfG/OMKoO9mlzOc0q9ZeHj99V6UvGWNCR28nAfjzgOWJO",
      "type": "Admin",
      "reviews": [],
      "registeredCourses": [],
      "createdAt": "2023-01-02T19:47:01.147Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-01-03T09:10:47.042Z",
      "__v": 0

} `

  1. Logout

GET \logout


"Logged Out"

  1. Add Admin

POST admin\createadmin

Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token of the Admin.
Body Type Description
username String Required. username of Admin
password String Required. password of Admin


` {


} `

5.Add Corporate Trainee

POST \addCorporateTrainee

Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token of the Admin.
Body Type Description
username String Required. username of Corporate Trainee
password String Required. password of Corporate Trainee


` {

  "username": "malak1",
  "password": "$2b$10$ys73Uq3uguhPkcx5rTAfLux8oEoeSPkLIfE.km7ApIpk92jJyc.tW",
  "type": "Corporate Trainee",
  "reviews": [],
  "registeredCourses": [],
  "_id": "63b427bee51b3b865c5812a4",
  "createdAt": "2023-01-03T13:03:58.285+00:00",
  "updatedAt": "2023-01-03T13:13:52.897+00:00",
  "__v": 0

} `

  1. Add Instructor

POST \addInstructor

Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token of the Admin.
Body Type Description
username String Required. username of Instructor
password String Required. password of Instructor


` {


} } `

  1. Create Course

POST \createCourse

Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token of the Instructor.
Body Type Description
title String Required. title of Course
summary String Required. summary of Course
defaultPrice String Required. summary of Course
subject String Required. summary of Course
link String Required. summary of Course


` {











"summary":"i love math",





















8.View All Coueses

GET \viewallcourses


` [ {

    "summary":"i love math",
    "preview":[{"Video":[{"youtube_video_link":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRMd5YpZ7oQ","description":"NET NINJA",
    "description":"NET NINJA",
    "summary":"HARD ",
    "duration":"20 HOURS",


  1. Reprot a problem

POST \reportProblem

Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token of the User.
Body Type Description
type String Required. type of Problem
theProblem String Required. body of Problem
query Type Description
courseId String Required. Id of course


` {

      "name":"not working",
      "Description":"not working2",

} `

  1. View Reported Problems GET \getcortraineereports GET \getindividualreports GET \getinstructorreports
Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token of the User.


` { {

      "name":"not working",
      "Description":"not working2",

} `

  1. Add Follow Up

PATCH \followup

Body Type Description
problem String Required. problem ID of Problem
followUp String Required. followup of Problem


` {

      "name":"not working",
      "followups":[ "hello",
      "Description":"not working2",

} ` 12. Resolve Reported Problem

PATCH \solve

Body Type Description
problem String Required. problem ID of Problem
status String Required. status of Problem


` { {

      "name":"not working",
      "Description":"not working2",

} `

  1. Request Refund

POST \requestRefund

Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token of the User.
query Type Description
courseId String Required. Id of course


` {



  1. Approve Refund Request

PATCH \approverefund

Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token of the User.
Body Type Description
status String Required. whether Problem accepted or not


` [ {



  1. Decline Refund Request

PATCH \declinerefund

Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token of the User.
Body Type Description
status String Required. whether Problem accepted or not


` [ {


] `

  1. View Access Request

GET \accessrequests

Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token of the User.


` [ {


] `

  1. Approve Access Request

PATCH \approverequests

Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token of the User.
Body Type Description
status String Required. whether Access approved or not


` [ {


] `

  1. Edit Instructor Info

PATCH \EditMyProfile

Body Type Description
email String Required. email of Instructor
biography String Required. biography of Instructor
query Type Description
courseId String Required. Id of course


` {


} `

  1. Set Discount

PATCH \definepromotion

Body Type Description
discount String Required. Discount Amount
startDate String Required. startdate of Discount
endDate String Required. enddate of Discount
query Type Description
courseId String Required. Id of Course


` {

    "_id": "63b4158a8cc2eb8d8c2e2c9d",
    "discountamount": "20",

    "__v": 0

} `

19.View Progress

GET \progress

Headers Type Description
Authorization String Required. Bearer token of the User.
query Type Description
courseId String Required. Id of Course


{ "value": 0 }

20.Add Rating

PUT \rateinstructor

Body Type Description
rating String Required. rate of Instructor
review array Required. review of Instructor
query Type Description
instructorId String Required. Id of course


` {


} `

  1. Filter all courses

GET \filterallcoursessubject

query Type Description
price String Required. Price to be filter
rating String Required. Rating to be filter
subject String Required. Subject to be filter


` [ {

    "summary":"i love math",
    "preview":[{"Video":[{"youtube_video_link":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRMd5YpZ7oQ","description":"NET NINJA",
    "description":"NET NINJA",
    "summary":"HARD ",
    "duration":"20 HOURS",



  • Postman can be used to test the functionality of different API endpoints make sure to attach bearer token if endpoint requires token

  • Any browser can be used to test the functionality of the frontend webpages and web compenents and the integration with the

How to use?

What can you do on the portal

  • Login/Signup to the portal

  • Go to the admin dashboard if signed in with admin account

    • Create Users (Instructor, CorpotateTrainee, Admin)
    • Set course promotion
    • View and grant access to course requests
    • Accept or Decline course's refund requests
    • View reported problems and mark resolved or pending
  • Go to the Individual Trainee home if signed in with Individual Trainee account

    • Search for a course
    • Choose a course
    • View Course details if signned in
    • Register in a course and pay for it
    • Enter visa details
    • Confirm payment to be enrolled
    • Rate
    • Add review
    • Add Report
    • Watch videos
    • Take exams
  • Go to the Corporate Trainee home if signed in with Corporate Trainee account

    • Rate
    • Add review
    • Add Report
    • Watch videos
    • Take exams
    • Request access to specific course
  • Go to the Instructor home if signed in with Instructor account

    • Create Course

    • Create exams

    • Add Report

    • Upload Videos

    • Update your personal informations

    • Update your password

    • Logout


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project

  2. Create your Feature Branch

          git checkout -b BranchName
  3. Commit your Changes

         git commit -m 'message'
  4. Push to the Branch

         git push origin BranchName
  5. Open a Pull Request







  • Marco Moheb
  • Malak Eldardeery
  • Sama Yasser
  • Mansour Mohamed
  • Alaa Ali