
Primary LanguagePython


You can set up the environment using environment.yml.

Experiment 1: Aerial dataset

In order to set up the dataset for this, please use the code that downloads data for berlin and chicago https://github.com/alpemek/aerial-segmentation/blob/master/dataset/download_dataset.sh, and place them under aerial/dataset

To run the U-NeXt model on this dataset, run:

cd aerial
python3 train_aerial.py --model UNext 

You can vary --model_type, to change the model's size.

To run the baseline:

python3 train_aerial.py --model Resunet 

Experiment 2: Synapse dataset

Dataset setup: please read the project_TransUNet/README.md (create project_TransUNet/data)

To run the U-NeXt model:

cd project_TransUNet/TransUNet
python3 train.py --model UNext

You can vary --model_type, to change the model's size.

For the baseline:

cd project_TransUNet/TransUNet
python3 train.py --model Resunet