
An advanced conditional subtitle track selector for mpv player

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


This script allows you to configure advanced subtitle track selection based on the current audio track and the names and language of the subtitle tracks. The script will automatically disable itself when mpv is started with --sid not set to auto, or when --track-auto-selection is disabled.


Configuration is done in the sub-select.json file, stored in the ~~/script-opts/ config directory.


The syntax and available options are as follows:

        "alang": "jpn",
        "slang": "eng",
        "blacklist": [ "sign" ],
        "whitelist": [ "english", "song" ]

alang and slang are the language codes of the audio and subtitle tracks, while blacklist and whitelist are optional filters that can be used to choose subtitle tracks based on their track names. For a track to be selected it must match any entry in the whitelist and must not match any entry in the blacklist.

alang and slang can also be arrays of valid codes to allow matching with multiple language codes. If multiple slang languages are included, then the first code to match to a track will be the one used.

Do not use uppercase characters for any options unless using patterns.

All titles are converted to lowercase automatically to allow more matches.

String Matching

All matching is done using the lua string.find function, so supports patterns. For example eng? could be used instead of eng so that the DVD language code en is also matched.

The characters ^$()%.[]*+-? have special behaviour and muct be escaped with %.


The script moves down the list of track preferences until any valid pair of audio and subtitle tracks are found. Once this happens the script immediately sets the subtitle track and terminates. If none of the tracks match then track selection is deferred to mpv.

Special Strings

There are a number of strings that can be used for the alang and slang which have special behaviour.


String Action
* matches any language
no matches when no audio track is selected - not included by *
default matches audio with the default tag
forced matches audio with the forced tag


String Action
* matches the first track that passes the filters
no disables subs if alang matches
default selects subtitles with the default tag
forced selects subtitles with the forced tag


The script supports two commands to control subtitle selection.

script-message select-subtitles

This command will force subtitle selection during runtime based on the current audio track.

script-message sub-select [arg]

This command will enable/disable the script. Valid arguments are enable, disable, and toggle. If the script gets enabled then the current subtitle track will be reselected.

Auto-Switch Mode

The detect_audio_switches script-opt allows one to enable Auto-Switch Mode. In this mode the script will automatically reselect the subtitles when the script detects that the audio language has changed. This setting ignores --sid=auto, but when using synchronous mode the script will not change the original sid until the first audio switch. This feature still respects --track-auto-selection. This mode can be disabled during runtime wi the sub-select script message shown above.

Synchronous vs Asynchronous Track Selection

The script has two different ways it can select subtitles, controlled with the preload script-opt. The default is to load synchronously during the preload phase, which is before track selection; this allows the script to seamlessly change the subtitles to the desired track without any indication that the tracks were switched manually. This likely has better compatability with other options and scripts.

The downside of this method is that when --aid is set to auto the script needs to scan the track-list and predict what track mpv will select. Therefore, in some rare situations, this could result in the wrong audio track prediction, and hence the wrong subtitle being selected. There are three solutions to this problem:

Use Asynchronous Mode (default no)

Disable the hook by setting preload=no. This is the simplest and most efficient solution, however it means that track switching messages will be printed to the console and it may break other scripts that use subtitle information.

Force Prediction (default no)

Force the predicted track to be correct by setting aid to the predicted value. This can be enabled with force_prediction=yes. This method works well, but is not ideal if one wants to utilise a more refined audio track selector, or if mpv's default is more desirable.

Detect Incorrect Predictions (default yes)

Check the audio track when playback starts and compare with the latest prediction, if the prediction was wrong then the subtitle selection is run again. This can be disabled with detect_incorrect_predictions=no. This is the best of both worlds, since 99% of the time the subtitles will load seamlessly, and on the rare occasion that the file has weird track tagging the correct subtitles will be reloaded. However, this method does have the highest computational overhead, if anyone cares about that.

Auto-Select Mode enables this intrinsically.


The sub_select.conf file contains all of the options for the script and their defaults. The sub-select.json file contains an example set of track matches.