
In this series for Android development with Kotlin for beginners, you will learn how to make a budget tracker app from start to finish. Together, through 7 lessons, we'll build this application, a budget tracker

Primary LanguageKotlin


In this series for Android development with Kotlin for beginners, you will learn how to make a budget tracker app from start to finish. Together, through 7 lessons, we'll build this application, a budget tracker where:

  • You can set budgets
  • You can track your expenses
  • You can add and update transactions, remove and undo the action
  • And the transactions will be persistent in your phone memory

At the end of this series you will learn about

  • Android Studio, the official Android Development Environment
  • XML layouts and how to used them to make the app UI
  • Interacting and updating the UI with Kotlin
  • Generate and use drawable icons
  • The RecyclerView and its Adapter
  • Why you should use third-party libraries like material components and how to include them in your project
  • And finally how to use the Android Room Library to store app data in the local memory

This sounds fun? See you on my YouTube Channel to get into it!