
Setup a server capable of running Selenium tests with Ansible

Primary LanguagePython

Setup a server able to run Selenium tests and notify via email&phone in case of failure.


Control machine = the machine Ansible will run on (your local dev machine)

Client machine = the machine that Selenium will be setup on


This was tested with Client machines running Ubuntu 16.04.3. Other releases should work. Other distributions were not tested.

Some deprecation warnings (caused by upstream code) might be thrown. They can be ignored.

One of the Ansible tasks ("Register systemd service status") will fail. Can be ignored.

What you will need

  1. A Sendgrid account and it's API credentials (Full Access)
  2. A Twilio account and it's API crendetials and phone number
  3. A fresh server that you are able to SSH to (the Client machine)

SETUP: Control machine setup

Ensure you have Ansible installed

a. On Ubuntu, run:

sudo easy_install pip

sudo pip install ansible

Other OSs, check http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/intro_installation.html

b. Confirm Ansible works ok by running:

ansible --version

c. Ensure all Ansible roles are available on the Control machine by running the following command on your Control machine, in the root of this repo:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Once the Control machine is ready:

a. Add the IP(s) of the client machine(s) to the hosts file (in the root directory of this repo), under [test_runners]. Each IP on a new line.

b. Change the client_user in vars/main.yml to the username you created on the Client machine

c. Add the credentials for Sendgrid and Twilio (get them from https://www.twilio.com/console/sms/dashboard) to vars/main.yml

d. Add the emails that will be notified to send_email_notifications_to in vars/main.yml, comma separated

e. Add the phone numbers that will be notified to send_sms_notifications_to in vars/main.yml, comma separated

SETUP: Client machine setup

Start the Client machine setup by running the following command on your Control machine, in the root of this repo:

ansible-playbook provision.yml

Adding a test suite for a new project to an already deployed server

ansible-playbook create_test_suite.yml

Uploading tests

To upload new tests to the test server, run:

ansible-playbook upload_tests.yml