Sparknotes for Junior Maesters

The Sparknotes for Junior Maesters project is a solo project for Front End Module 3 students at the Turing School of Software and Design. The target audience for this application is a prospective maester (much like a junior developer) within the Game of Thrones universe. There can be a lot to learn for a young maester, and sometimes it just helps to have a narrowed down guide to help you out. Which is where Sparknotes for Junior Maesters comes in handy! The main goals for this project were to develop an application using the React framework, add unique DOM elements based on React Routing, integrate testing unique to React using Jest, and reinforce my understanding of asynchronous Javascript.


Alex Eickelman

Installing / Getting started

First, clone this repository using the following command in your terminal:

git clone

Go into the newly cloned repository:

cd maesters-sparknotes

Once you are in the recently cloned repository, you have to install certain React dependencies in order for everything to compile correctly.

npm install

This should then download all required user dependencies in order for you, the a junior maester, to interact with the application!

In order for you to actually view and interact with the application add the following command within your terminal:

npm start

A compile message should appear in your terminal, and (depending on your browser) a new tab to the url (http://localhost:3000/) should appear. This is the homepage! Do with it what you will, but please be kind as this is a work in progress.

In Action!

Navigating to a chosen character:


Technologies Used


React Router

React Testing Library & Jest

Git and GitHub

Fetch API

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Stretch Goals

Post user comments

Expand testing suite

Deploy page so user does not have to compile