
Spectron TypeScript Starter for e2e testing electron applications

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Spectron TypeScript Starter for e2e testing electron applications.


  • electron 3+
  • Typescript 2.9.x
  • Spectron 4.x (webdriverio under the hood)

Starter use:

  • async / await
  • page objects pattern

Project sctructure

src -- folder for your project's electron source code (contains electron typescript starter: https://github.com/electron/electron-quick-start-typescript)

test -- folder for tests

test/helpers -- helpers

test/po -- page objects

test/specs -- your specs (tests)

mocha.opts -- mocha config for test execution

mocha-allure.opts -- mocha config for test execution with allure reporter


install dependencies

$ npm install

build electron project

$ npm run build

Run tests

run e2e tests with mocha reporter

$ npm run test:e2e



your need to install allure-commandline for using allure:

$ npm install -g allure-commandline

run tests with allure reporter

$ npm run test:e2e:allure

generate allure reports

$ npm run report:generate

generate allure reports and open in browser

$ npm run report:generate:open

clean allure reports (delete allure-report/allure-results)

$ npm run report:clean


start electron project

$ npm start

run typescript in watch mode (recompile on file changes)

$ npm run watch


@log method decorator can be used for logging purposes


This project contains electron typescript starter application (index.html / src/*) https://github.com/electron/electron-quick-start-typescript under CC0 1.0 (Public Domain)

Other code under MIT license.