
OpenGL C++ game framework and stuff

Primary LanguageC++


OpenGL C++ game engine for educational purposes

The goal

I'll use this repository to control and share my progress on my understanding of opengl. I'll test my knowledge by building a engine which will only serve as educational purposes.


I still have to look into that. The project currently uses Visual Studio 2015 and opengl 4.3


Application manager

Easily create a window with the specified title, width and height with a singleton.


app(GLuint _width, GLuint _height);

Takes as parameters the window width and the window height


  • open method

    void open(int GL_major, int GL_minor, const char * name);

    The first two parameters specify the major and minor versions of opengl, the third parameter is the new window's name

    Usage example:

    cge::app app(1250, 900);
    app.open(4, 3, "opengl engine");
  • shouldClose method

    int shouldClose();

    returns 1 if the current application should close. note: There is another method wrapping shouldClose() that should always be used, that is startLoop()

    Usage example:

    cge::app app(1250, 900);
    app.open(4, 3, "opengl engine");
    while (!app.shouldClose()) {
      // do something...
  • startLoop method

    int startLoop();

    prepare the application for the next rendering call. Returns 1 if the current application should close. note: this method return the result from the shouldClose() method

    Usage example:

    cge::app app(1250, 900);
    app.open(4, 3, "opengl engine");
    while (!app.startLoop()) {
      // do something...
  • endLoop method

    void endLoop();

    Swaps the opengl buffer. Internally check if the escape key was pressed to close the application

    Usage example:

    cge::app app(1250, 900);
    app.open(4, 3, "opengl engine");
    while (!app.startLoop()) {


  • keys property

    bool keys[1024];

    can be used to check if a key was pressed between the last loop iteration and the new one. the event key poll is made at the beginning of the loop in the startLoop() method.

    while (!app.startLoop()) {
      if (app.keys[GLFW_KEY_W] == true) {
        std::cout << "W key was pressed\n";

Camera system

A virtual 2D camera system


Camera(GLuint width, GLuint height);

takes as parameters the viewport' width and height.


  • updateView method

    void updateView();

    Usage example:

    cge::app app(1250, 900);
    app.open(4, 3, "opengl engine");
    cge::Camera camera(app.width, app.height);
    while (!app.startLoop()) {


  • runFollow method

    void runFollow();

    make the camera follow the followed vector position stored.

    Usage example:

    cge::app app(1250, 900);
    app.open(4, 3, "opengl engine");
    cge::Camera camera(app.width, app.height);
    while (!app.startLoop()) {


  • followedPosition property

    glm::vec2 * followedPosition;

    Vector pointer to the vector position you want the camera to follow when running the runFollow() method.

  • anchor property

    glm::vec2 anchor;

    It is a 2D vector defining the anchor point for the camera's followed position. With the vector [x, y] when set to [0.5, 0.5] the anchor point is set to the center of the viewport.

    • X defines the horizontal position from left to right between 0 and 1.
    • Y defines the vertical position from top to bottom between 0 and 1.
  • followSpeed property

    GLfloat followSpeed;

    this value should be set between 0 and 1. And defines the number of steps required for the camera to get to the followedPosition

Spritebatch system

Efficient 2D rendering with the spritebatch class



usage Example:

cge::SpriteBatch batch;


  • begin method

    void begin();

    Set up everything to begin the spritebatch collecting

  • end method

    void end();

    Set up everything for the batch.render() method

  • render method

    void render();

    uses all the data collected between the begin and end methods to render to the screen the glyphes

    Usage example:

    cge::app app(1250, 900);
    app.open(4, 3, "opengl engine");
    cge::Camera camera(app.width, app.height);
    cge::SpriteBatch batch;
    while (!app.startLoop()) {
      // rendering calls


Load 2D textures with ResourceManager



usage Example:

cge::Texture2D texture_circle = cge::ResourceManager::LoadTexture("assets/circle.png", GL_TRUE, "circle");


No methods that should be manually called

Collision classes

You can use the cge::hitbox class to instanciate the hitbox of a 2D sprite.


Hitbox(glm::vec2 customSize, glm::vec2 customPosition);


  • intersects method

    bool Hitbox::intersects(Hitbox * obj, glm::vec2 & obj1_position, glm::vec2 obj2_position)

    return true if this hitbox and the supplied hitbox intersects. As an hitbox can be linked to many elements in a 1 hitbox to many elements relation. The object 1's hitbox and the object 2's hitbox must be passed in the parameters. The object 1 is the one linked to this hitbox, the object 2 is the one linked to the supplied hitbox pointer. note: this method should not be called manually, it is called internally by the Sprite class in the Sprite::intersects method.

  • resolve method

    void Hitbox::resolve(Hitbox * obj, glm::vec2 & obj1_position, glm::vec2 obj2_position)

    Move the two objects so that they don't intersect anymore. note: this mothoud should not be called manually, it is called internally by the Sprite class in the Sprite::intersects method.


A singleton that provides many helper methods such as FPS count, delta between frames...




  • getDelta method

    GLfloat getDelta();

    return the value of the delta-time between the current frame and the last one. Useful to get framerate independant velocity, camera movement and all.

    Usage example:

    cge::app app(1250, 900);
    app.open(4, 3, "opengl engine");
    cge::helper helper;
    GLfloat delta = helper.getDelta();
    while (!app.startLoop()) {
      delta = helper.getDelta();
  • coutFramerate() method

    void coutFramerate();

    std::cout the framerate

    Usage example:

    cge::app app(1250, 900);
    app.open(4, 3, "opengl engine");
    cge::helper helper;
    GLfloat delta = helper.getDelta();
    while (!app.startLoop()) {
      delta = helper.getDelta();

Texture rendering

Allows the rendering of 2D fixed textures.



Sprite(glm::vec2 pos, glm::vec2 size, cge::Texture2D * _texture);


  • drawBatch method

    virtual void drawBatch(cge::SpriteBatch & spriteBatch);

    Usage example

    cge::app app(1250, 900);
    app.open(4, 3, "opengl engine");
    cge::Camera camera(app.width, app.height);
    cge::SpriteBatch batch;
    cge::Texture2D texture_tile = cge::ResourceManager::LoadTexture("assets/tile.png", GL_TRUE, "tile");
    cge::Hitbox tileBox(glm::vec2(100.0f, 100.0f), glm::vec2(0.0f, 0.0f));
    cge::Sprite obstacle(glm::vec2(525.0f, 525.0f), glm::vec2(100.0f, 100.0f), &texture_tile);
    while (!app.startLoop()) {
  • addBox method

    void addBox(Hitbox * _box);

    set the hitbox

    Usage example:

    cge::Texture2D texture_tile = cge::ResourceManager::LoadTexture("assets/tile.png", GL_TRUE, "tile");
    cge::Hitbox tileBox(glm::vec2(100.0f, 100.0f), glm::vec2(0.0f, 0.0f));
    cge::Sprite obstacle(glm::vec2(525.0f, 525.0f), glm::vec2(100.0f, 100.0f), &texture_tile);
  • applyAcceleration method

    void applyAcceleration(const GLfloat delta);

    Add the value of this->acceleration to this->velocity, then resets the acceleration value. It should be called before this->applyVelocity().

  • applyVelocity method

    void applyVelocity(const GLfloat delta);

    Add the value of this->velocity to this->position. It should be called just before this->drawBatch()

  • applyFriction method

    void applyFriction(const GLfloat factor);

    multiply the velocity by the factor

Animated texture rendering

Spritesheets support with the cge::SpriteSheet class and the cge::AnimationsUV class


The AnimationsUv class serves as a storage for animations based on UV coordinates in a spritesheet. You can declare in the spritesheet multiple animations with custom names, custom lengths and durations.


AnimationsUV(int _rows, int _columns);


  • setAnimation method

    AnimationsUV & setAnimation(std::string & name, int _beginX, int _beginY, int _endX, int _endY, float _timePerCell)

    add an animation to the registry

    Usage example:

    cge::AnimationsUV(3, 9).setAnimation(std::string("default"), 0, 0, 6, 0, 1000)
  • setCurrentAnimation method

    bool setCurrentAnimation(std::string & name);

    this method tries to change to a new animation only if a stored animation exists with the same name as the supplied string.

  • time method

    void time(float delta);

    Adds a tick to the counter, automatically changes the current cell if currentTick >= ticksPerCell



SpriteAnimation(glm::vec2 pos, glm::vec2 _size, cge::Texture2D * _texture, AnimationsUV _animationsUV);


  • drawBatch method

    virtual void drawBatch(cge::SpriteBatch & spriteBatch);
  • time method

    void time(float delta);

Text rendering

Offers easy text rendering with 2 classes

  • cge::TextManager
  • cge::Text

Text rendering should be done by first defining a TextManager instance by passing to the init function the windows width and the windows height.

Text Manager




  • init method

    bool init(GLuint width, GLuint height);

    Usage example:

    cge::app app(1250, 900);
    app.open(4, 3, "opengl app");
    cge::TextManager textManager;
    textManager.init(app.width, app.height);
  • newText method

    Text newText(char* text, GLfloat x = 0, GLfloat y = 0, GLfloat scale = 1, glm::vec3 color = glm::vec3(1, 1, 1));

    Usage example:

    cge::app app(1250, 900);
    app.open(4, 3, "opengl app");
    cge::TextManager textManager;
    textManager.init(app.width, app.height);
    cge::Text textObject = textManager.newText("Hello world", 150, 150);



Text(char* text, TextManager * manager, GLfloat x = 0, GLfloat y = 0, GLfloat scale = 1, glm::vec3 color = glm::vec3(1, 1, 1));


  • setString method

    void setString(char * text);

    Usage example:

    cge::Text textObject = textManager.newText("Hello world", 150, 150);
    textObject.setString("Custom message");
  • render method

    void render();

    Usage example:

    cge::Text textObject = textManager.newText("Hello world", 150, 150);


  • opengl (use the one provided by your operating system)
  • glfw
  • glew
  • SOIL